Open an account
Open an account
Take advantage of our services and solutions designed to meet all of your shipping requirements. Sign up for a FedEx shipping account below. Let’s get started!
Take advantage of our services and solutions designed to meet all of your shipping requirements. Sign up for a FedEx shipping account below. Let’s get started!
Take advantage of our services and solutions designed to meet all of your shipping requirements. Sign up for a FedEx shipping account below. Let’s get started!
Sign up to enjoy our standard
30 days credit terms.
Register with a valid credit card and start shipping instantly.
Register with a valid credit card and start shipping instantly.
Learn More
Use a Valid Business Registration Number of your company
- Submit the “Open a FedEx Account” form
- We will create your account within one business day and send you a Welcome email and discount notification
- Create your User ID/Password per instructions in our Welcome email
- Start shipping online
Use a Valid VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card (debit card is not accepted.)
- Sign up with your credit card
- Create a FedEx account and User ID/Password
- Start shipping online
Use a Valid VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card (debit card is not accepted.)
- Sign up with your credit card
- Create a FedEx account and User ID/Password
- Start shipping online
Shipping is easy! Do it in 3 simple steps
Step 1
Open an Account
Step 2
Create your fedex.com User ID
Step 3
Ship Online
Opening an account has its benefits
Get your account-specific rate
Schedule and manage pickup
Free supplies
View and manage your bills online