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Open a FedEx account and enjoy more benefits.

Take advantage of our many services and solutions designed to meet your shipping needs, when you sign up for a FedEx account today.

19 July 2024
- Due to a global third party outage impacting users worldwide, some customers may experience disruption to services which may include pick-up collection, clearance and delivery delays. Customers can continue to use the booking and tracking functionality on fedex.com.

We are working to resume normal operations as soon as possible. Customers can call their local Customer Service team for more information about their shipments. Wait times may be longer than usual.

We sincerely regret the inconvenience and thank our customers for their patience and understanding.

Your Business Resource

FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer

New to FedEx?

Our New Customer Center guides you through all necessary steps when shipping with FedEx.

FedEx Worker carrying packages
FedEx Worker carrying packages
FedEx Worker carrying packages

FedEx International Priority® Express

More delivery time options are available for your international shipments from January 3, 2022. 

Customer Success Stories
Customer Success Stories
Customer Success Stories

FedEx Drop Off Location

FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money.

FedEx Worker carrying packages
FedEx Worker carrying packages
FedEx Worker carrying packages

Laos ImportOne Rate

Discover the possibilities with FedEx ImportOne Rates in Laos. Now you can conveniently pay for your import shipments locally with confidence and without the worry of exchange rate risk.

Customer Success Stories
Customer Success Stories
Customer Success Stories

FedEx Drop Off Location

FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money.