Clearance News and Alerts
International shipping regulations and requirements can change quickly, but staying on top of them is easy. So you are aware of new developments, we keep you posted with international shipping regulatory alerts and updates.
"Personal Customs Clearance Code" refers to the code assigned for personal identification from the Issuance system of Personal Customs Clearance Code on the Internet according to the scheme as follows:
P |
11 |
123456789 |
9 |
Personal |
Year of issuance |
Assigned number |
Error verification code |
Regardless of the amount, all imported personal express freight must be submitted to the customs office with a personal customs clearance code. FedEx will ask the contact point written on the bill to provide his/her personal customs clearance code and submit it to the customs office on behalf of the importer.
▶ Application of the personal customs clearance code :
▷ Anyone who wants to apply for a new personal customs clearance code can apply through the Issuance system of Personal Customs Clearance Code on the Internet.
*URL: https://unipass.customs.go.kr/csp/persIndex.do
▷ Or, submit the Attachment Form 4 to the head of Main Customs or the head of the customs office with the following documents:
1. A copy of ID (resident registration card, driver's license, passport before expiration, welfare card for the disabled, or alien registration card) for identification. However, for minors without IDs, a copy of a youth card or resident registration
2. Power of Attorney in Attachment Form 7 (limited to an application by proxy)
▶ Change application of the personal customs clearance code :
▷ Anyone who wants to change their personal customs clearance code must prepare the Attachment Form 4 and documents that certify the change, and apply through the Issuance system of Personal Customs Clearance Code on the Internet or submit them to the head of Main Customs or the head of the customs office.
If you’re a business outside Canada exporting commercial goods into Canada and responsible for the payment of any duties and taxes as the Importer of Record (IOR), it’s important to take the necessary steps now to help prevent your FedEx Express shipments from being delayed at the border when CARM is fully implemented.
Please click here to learn more.
Korea Customs Service (Commissioner: Noh, Seok Hwan) asks exporters of Korean fabrics to actively take advantage of the fabric-forward rule of origin in the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (hereinafter, referred to as “EVFTA”), which is retroactively effective from December 23, 2020 based on EU import customs standards. Even though EVFTA was signed in August , 2020, its benefits finally started on February 4, 2021 when EU Commission officially announced it.
EVFTA is the first free trade agreement that allows the forward rule of origin for Korean fabrics, even though Korea is not a party to the agreement. The forward rule of origin is a special rule for determining the country of origin by considering materials supplied by one of the agreement parties or by specific countries other than the parties as the one from the country of final production.
According to the EVFTA forward rule, fabrics manufactured in Korea combined or further processed into clothing and exported to the EU are considered made in Vietnam and receive the FTA tariff benefits. Korea Customs Service added that companies that export fabrics or apparel materials to Vietnam may get a significant competitive edge over companies of countries such as China that do not have FTA agreements with the EU.
According to Korea Customs Service, there are matters that companies should consider in order to take advantage of the EVFTA forward rule of origin. First, for fabrics to be exported to Vietnam to be eligible for the EVFTA forward rule, the determination criteria and certification method for the country of origin should be followed according to the Korea-EU FTA. In particular, if the price of the fabric exceeds 6,000 euros only the customs approved & registered exporter * can certify the country of origin. Therefore, the fabrics exporter should obtain the qualification of the certified exporter.
Accordingly, Korea Customs Service is distributing ‘the Guideline to take advantage of the Korean fabrics forward rule in the EU-Vietnam FTA’ and is actively supporting qualification acquisition of the country-of-origin certified exporter. Export and Import Business Support Centers provide consultations to those interested in the EVFTA forward rule and qualification of the customs approved & registered exporter.
(*Customs Approved & Registered Exporter: In this system, the customs office grants the right to issue the certificate of origin to the exporter approved of the ability to certify the country of origin and provides the benefits of simplified application and examination of the certificate of origin to the said exporter)
[Note] Export and Import Business Support Center Contacts
Customs Office |
Contact |
Export and Import Business Support Center, Incheon Main Customs |
+82-32-452-3644 |
Export and Import Business Support Center, Seoul Main Customs |
+82-2-510-1384 |
Export and Import Business Support Center, Busan Main Customs |
+82-51-620-6958 |
Export and Import Business Support Center, Daegu Main Customs |
+82-53-230-5183 |
Export and Import Business Support Center, Gwangju Main Customs |
+82-62-975-8193 |
Customs Clearance Support Division, Pyeongtaek Customs |
+82-31-8504-7042 |