
Please enter FedEx agent’s name in text message you received. The information will be transferred to the agent.


Please enter accurate AWB number in text message.


Personal Customs Clearance Code : P+12digit number(Ex : P123456789012)
Alien Registration No : 13digit number (not include “-”)
Personal Customs Clearance Code application website (Korea customs service)


Please enter consignee's full name.


Please enter your contact number, just in case we need to contact.

If you don’t have Korean phone number, please leave mobile-phone no of your family or acquaintance.


Please enter delivery address in Korea for declaration and delivery.


Additional information for e-commerce packages

If you purchase goods from overseas through an Internet site, etc., please select/enter the following two items.
“e-Commerce purchase type” and “seller company name” are mandatory information for import clearance of e-Commerce goods from May 1, 2023.


Please refer to the information below and select the e-Commerce purchase type.

  • Direct purchase: When ordering/paying directly from overseas website and receiving delivery (e.g., Amazon, AliExpress, eBay, etc.)
  • Purchasing agent: When purchasing/paying from domestic internet shopping malls (e.g., Coupang, 11th Street, Naver, etc.)
  • Package forwarding: In the case of receiving delivery individually using an overseas delivery agency after direct purchase

For details of the e-commerce purchase type, please visit the official FedEx blog below.


Please indicate the name of the overseas seller or purchasing/delivery agency for the purchase type selected above.

  • Direct purchase: Enter the name of the overseas purchase site (in Korean or English)
  • Purchasing agent: Enter the company name of purchased domestic internet shopping malls or purchasing agent by referring to the "Seller Information" column on the site where you purchased
  • Package forwarding: Enter the name of the delivery agent (Package forwarding) used