Learn from our Experts

Learn from our experts

Discover tips, insights and best practice examples from our clearance specialists to improve your international shipping knowledge.

Discover tips, insights and best practice examples from our clearance specialists to improve your international shipping knowledge.

Discover tips, insights and best practice examples from our clearance specialists to improve your international shipping knowledge.

Importing and exporting: a guide to success

How our clearance team supports you

Customs team
Customs team
Customs team

Introducing our customs team

Get to know more about the roles and responsibilities of our customs clearance experts.

FedEx Hub
FedEx Hub
FedEx Hub

How we work with customers

Go behind the scenes to find out more about how we clear your shipments quickly and efficiently.

Smiling person with FedEx Envelop on the table next to them
Smiling person with FedEx Envelop on the table next to them
Smiling person with FedEx Envelop on the table next to them

Union Customs Code (UCC)

Keep your goods flowing smoothly by learning more about the UCC and what it means for customs procedures.

Dig deeper into our expertise

Get more insights and understanding from our sector experts on the practicalities of cross-border shipping.