Priority alert

FedEx Priority Alert®

Advanced monitoring for high-value shipments.

Advanced monitoring for high-value shipments.

Advanced monitoring for high-value shipments.

Gain end-to-end visibility

Be assured of the safe and timely transit of your high-value, mission-critical or temperature-sensitive shipments. With FedEx Priority Alert, we monitor your shipments 24/7 so you can take care of the rest of your business.

How it works

With FedEx Priority Alert, we'll assign your account to a global service analyst who provides around-the-clock support; advanced shipment monitoring; personalized notification in the event of a delay; and, when necessary, customized package recovery.

FedEx Priority Alert Plus includes all the features of FedEx Priority Alert and additional options such as dry-ice replenishment, gel pack replacement and refrigeration suitable for your cold chain or temperature-controlled shipments.

Features of service include:


Global connectivity

FedEx Priority Alert is available in more than 80 countries or territories. Thanks to our extensive global distribution network, your shipments stay with us - from start to finish.



You can ship with added confidence because FedEx Priority Alert provides around-the-clock monitoring seven days a week and notification of any shipment delays. Every attempt is made to expedite at-risk shipments.


Special service

You work with your global service analyst to determine and coordinate notification and recovery procedures, based on what you want and need.


Priority placement

You work with your global service analyst to determine and coordinate notification and recovery procedures, based on what you want and need.

Shipping services

FedEx Priority Alert is available with these services:

  • FedEx International First®
  • FedEx International Priority®
  • FedEx International Priority® Freight

Simple tools for shipping

As a contracted* customer, you can use the following options to create FedEx Priority Alert shipping documentation:

*Additional terms and conditions governing the use of FedEx Priority Alert apply and can be found in the FedEx Priority Alert Agreement. Contact your FedEx account executive for more information.

Learn more and get started today

For more information about FedEx Priority Alert, download the service overview leave-behind.

Please contact your FedEx account executive or FedEx Priority Alert team to receive a copy of the FedEx Priority Alert Agreement.