Regulatory alerts
Latest regulatory updates
Learn about the latest updates to international trade regulations and how they could affect your business.
What’s happened?
According to Israel’s customs and tax authority notice on 27th of October 2024, related to the reform in importers declaration submissions, effective 24th of March 2025, Importers who declare on commercial imports, with a value exceeding $5,000 in one import declaration, (except for importers who received a special exemption) are required to submit periodic importer Declaration on all Suppliers.
Who does it affect?
Importers in Israel.
What should you do now?
Effective 24th of March 2025, importers are required to submit a new periodic importer Declaration on all Suppliers they plan to import commercial goods with a value exceeding $5,000 in one import declaration.
Please visit the Israel Tax Authority webpage for more information:
What’s happened?
Following the "No Stop at Port" reform, the "What's Good for Europe is Good for Israel" reform is being launched, expanding import routes without the need for certified laboratory approvals for items that require Israeli standards.
Starting on January 1, 2025, an import route based on European regulations will be gradually opened so that items that require standards can be released without laboratory approval if they comply with the requirements of the European regulation, which will override the Israeli regulation. For this purpose, two new codes have been added to the official standard declaration process (64 - for samples not for marketing, 65 - for items with European regulation import requirements).
Who does it affect?
Importers who import items that require regulatory approvals under a free import order, provided that they are not an importer in breach of trust.
What should you do now?
The importer must check whether his imported items are included in Group 2 or 3 at the Ministry of Economy. If so, the importer must check whether the item is eligible for clearance under the European regulation track according to the Ministry of Economy's standards search engine. If eligible, the importer must check the date on which this regulation entered into force and accordingly instruct the customs agent which official standard code to use. An importer who violates trust is required to obtain regulatory approvals, even for items in Groups 3 + 2.
Useful Resources:
Information about the various import groups on the Ministry of Economy website can be found at the following link:
Information about product portfolio management on the economy Ministry website can be found at the following link:
For more information about the reform on the Ministry of Economy:
What’s happened?
The EU Regulation on Deforestation (EUDR) has been introduced to limit the EU market’s impact on global deforestation/forest degradation and biodiversity loss, promote deforestation-free supply chains, reduce the EU’s contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and protect human rights and the rights of indigenous people.
What products are included in the Regulation?
Businesses trading in seven key commodities will be required to prove that these goods/products do not originate from recently deforested areas or contribute to forest degradation. Those commodities are:
- palm oil
- cattle
- soy
- coffee
- cocoa
- timber
- rubber
Products derived from those commodities (such as beef, furniture, or chocolate) are also in scope.
When does it enter into application?
EUDR applies to all products placed on the market or exported from December 30, 2025. There is a longer period of transition for micro and small enterprises until June 30, 2026.
What are the obligations of operators further down the supply chain?
The goods in scope cannot be placed on the market or exported unless the following conditions are fulfilled:
- they are deforestation-free
- they have been produced in accordance with the relevant legislation of the country of production
- they are covered by a Due Diligence Statement (DDS).
The due diligence statement should be uploaded to a European register (which the Commission will set up before the beginning of December) and should involve:
- Gathering geographic information (i.e. satellite imagery) on the plot of land the commodities were sourced from;
- Assessing the risk of non-compliance to the EU deforestation-free regulation; and
- Mitigating risks to negligible levels.
Companies who place relevant products on the market also have an obligation to communicate the reference numbers of DDSs down the supply chain to demonstrate that due diligence was performed, and that no more than a negligible risk was identified.
Who does it affect?
Any business importing or exporting these commodities from the EU: palm oil, cattle, soy, coffee, cocoa, timber and rubber. To give an idea of the breadth of scope, this will encompass everything from beef and leather to furniture and other wood or paper products including books, as well as soy flour and oil, chocolate, coffee, palm oil and its derivatives, and rubber products such as tires.
What should you do now?
Businesses should consider the impact of the EUDR on their supply chain and prepare for the new obligations that enter into force on December 30, 2025. It is your responsibility to ensure that the items entering or leaving the EU market are not from land that has been deforested or subject to forest degradation since 31 December 2020. If such products do not comply with the EUDR, they cannot be placed on the EU market.
Once the DDS has been uploaded to the European register you must share the reference number with FedEx before placing the product on the EU market. Your shipment cannot be processed through customs unless you comply to the new regulation.
Useful Resources:
For more information, please visit our dedicated page on Deforestation.
What’s happened?
Starting December 2024 a change of customs requirements for Importers declarations for goods with value higher than 5,000 USD will come into effect.
Up until then, demand was to set an importers declaration separately per supplier.
Starting December 2024, an Importers Declaration will be made according to importers ID or Company registration number. The declaration will be set for all the Importer’s shipments from all the importer’s suppliers. Meaning there will be a change from multiple declarations into single general one.
If a certain shipment carries customs payment, purchase tax or other surcharges that sum in 6% or above, a dedicated importers declaration per the supplier will be required.
If there are any special conditions with a supplier, a dedicated importer declaration will be required per the supplier.
Who does it affect?
Israeli importers.
What should you do now?
The current existing Importers declarations for existing suppliers will remain in effect for 2 months starting December 23, 2024 ending in February 23, 2025.
Effective February 23, 2025, Importers will be required to create a new importer’s declaration with the customs Global Gate (Sha’ar Olami) following their new format for all future shipments.
We recommend to take action immediately as soon as it becomes available by the Israeli customs.
What’s happened?
A trade agreement between Israel and Vietnam came into force from November 17, 2024. This agreement allows a free trade zone between the countries. It allows reduction or elimination of customs duties for the products listed in the agreement. Reduction of rates may vary depending on the type of item. The trade agreement applies to both inbound and outbound between IL and VN.
Who does it affect?
The agreement impacts importers interested in inbound shipping from VN to IL as well as Exporters interested in outbound shipping from IL to VN. This agreement is set for commercial shippments only.
What should you do now?
Importers actions: Goods with value up to 1,000 USD should request their supplier to prepare a 'statement of origin' on the sellers account.
Goods with value over 1,000 – supplier must prepare an Origin Declaration and have it signed by local Vietnam customs.
Exporters actions: Goods with value up to 1,000 USD should prepare a Certificate of Origin attached to the goods invoice.
Goods with value over 1,000 USD – Exporter should prepare an Origin Declaration on the goods invoice to be signed by local Israeli customs.
Further details are available at the Israeli Ministry of Economy Industry website. Please visit: https://www.gov.il/he/pages/israel-vietnam-fta
Full agreement is available to read here: https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/policy/israel-vietnam-fta/he/sahar-hutz_agreements_vietnam_israel-vietnam-fta-en.pdf
Regulatory alerts by region
Each alert is accompanied by the date it was posted, with regulations broken down into easy-to-understand bullets and links to additional, more comprehensive resources
What’s happened?
On January 1, 2025, a "deemed supplier" model was adopted in Switzerlend , putting the responsibility for VAT collection and remittance on sales to Swiss consumers on the e-commerce platform, rather than the seller (as was used to be since 2019).
Due to the new e- commerce taxation model, foreign digital platforms must register for VAT in Switzerland. This requires a partnership with a Swiss fiscal representative.
Who does it affect?
E- commerce sellers sending their goods to Switzerland.
What should you do now?
You must ensure to provide correct commercial invoices meeting the requirements of The Federal Tax Administration (FTA). Additionally, shippers are strongly recommended to include the digital platform name next to the shipper’s name on the Air Waybill.
Effective January 2025, Due to the new e- commerce taxation model, foreign digital platforms must register for VAT in Switzerland and pay the VAT independently through that party.
The principle states that the information and documents provided by the consignor must make it clear and easily recognizable to the service provider that the goods shipped are traded via a taxable platform operator and that the platform operator is the importer.
Therefore, three parties with their respective roles should be clearly listed in the invoice:
Shipper: Address of the foreign seller.
Importer: Name of the platform, followed by the name and address of its Swiss fiscal representative and their VAT number.
Recipient: Address of the Swiss buyer
Additionally, the involvement of a digital platform must be explicitly noted on the invoice when the sales invoice is issued by the seller.
e.g: "Sales transaction through a digital platform. Sales tax collected by [platform name] and paid by the end customer."
Useful Resources:
Federal Tax Administration: Electronic Platforms
Federal Tax Administration: Updates to VAT practice, drafts, practice consultation
Fedlex- The publication platform for federal law: SR 641.20 Federal Act of 12 June 2009 on VAT Act (local languages only)
What’s happened?
Effective August 21, 2024, the following changes will be implemented in Turkiye:
- Simplified clearance value thresholds for individuals will be reduced from EUR 150 to EUR 30
- Tax rate will be increased from 20% to 30% for goods imported from European Union Member States
- Tax rate will be increased from 30% to 60% for goods imported from other countries
Who does it affect?
FedEx can not perform simplified clearance over values 30 EUR addressed to private individual customers. Private individuals must perform formal clearance by using an external Broker company and their import will be subject to all import regulations that apply. They may face additional import permission issues and high clearance costs, or potentially fees that will overrule the goods value.
What should you do now?
B2C shippers must be made aware about formal clearance requirements for their shipments to Turkiye to avoid getting claims from recipients.
Useful Resources:
What’s happened?
French authorities are changing the conditions of screening for sealed containers transported by air which includes drums, cans and jerrycans. This affects any goods transiting through Charles de Gaulle HUB in France.
As of January 1, 2025 screening of containers of more than 5 litres by Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD) will no longer be possible in France.
A transition period is in place (from April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024), during which EDD screening is authorised, to give customers time to find alternative solutions. However, there are steps that customers need to take now as a prerequisite to benefit from the transition period.
French authorities have created a questionnaire for exporters of drums and other airtight sealed containers. Exporters must complete the questionnaire and send it to the French authorities will then notify receipt of the questionnaire to exporters and this notification receipt must be sent to the FedEx Aviation Security team in France (fr-avsec@corp.ds.fedex.com). Upon receipt of the questionnaire, exporters will be authorized to continue shipping containers by air whatever their capacity until December 31, 2024.
In the absence of the notification of receipt of the questionnaire by French authorities, it is no longer possible for customers to ship these types of packaging containers of more than 25 litres by air from France from April 1, 2024. For containers between 5 and 25 litres they can be screened by XR equipment unless they are too dense.
Exporters have several options to continue shipping drums by air from January 1, 2025:
- Initiate the process during the transition period to become a Known Consignor (KC).
- Modify the packaging: only containers of a capacity between 5 and 25 litres that can be screened by XR equipment will be accepted from January 1, 2025. Drums will be screened individually, and dense drums will be refused.
Who does it affect?
Any business sending goods packed in hermetically sealed containers of more than 5 litres transiting in France or departing from France.
For transiting cargo the restrictions will only relate to barrels that need to be screened or re-screened in France.
What should you do now?
We strongly encourage exporters to send in the questionnaire to French authorities to benefit from the transitional period and if necessary to apply for known consignor status.
Once French authorities have sent the notification of receipt of the questionnaire to customers, the document must be sent to the FedEx Aviation Security team in France (fr-avsec@corp.ds.fedex.com).
The European Union CBAM Regulation came into force in 2023.
If you are an importer of CBAM goods into the territory of the European Union and you are established, you have a reporting obligation under the CBAM Regulation. FedEx will not take on this responsibility on an importer’s behalf.
What’s happened?
The European Union (EU) has introduced a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) as part of its objective to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990 emission levels). It aims to prevent the risk of carbon leakage to fight climate change.
Carbon leakage occurs when companies based in the European Union (EU) move carbon-intensive production abroad to countries with less stringent climate policies, or when EU products get replaced by more carbon-intensive imports.
CBAM aims to ensure the carbon price of imports of certain goods into the EU is equivalent to the carbon price of EU domestic production. As a result, importers of the goods in scope (see below) have to comply with specific obligations, including the reporting of information about the emissions embedded in the transported goods, and at a certain stage, the purchasing of certificates to account for these emissions.
The mechanism will initially apply only to imports of a selected number of goods and selected precursors at high risk of carbon leakage, including:
- iron
- steel
- cement
- fertilisers
- aluminium
- hydrogen
- electricity generation
At a later stage, the EU will evaluate how the CBAM is working and whether to extend its scope to more products and services.
More details can be found on page 20 of the European Commission Guidance Document.
What are the timelines?
A transitional phase runs from October 1, 2023, until December 31, 2025. During that time, importers of CBAM goods into the EU are required to submit a report quarterly via the CBAM Transitional Registry managed by the European Commission.
The required reporting includes:
- the total quantity of each type of goods
- the actual total embedded emissions in tonnes of CO2e emissions per tonne (except for electricity)
- the total indirect emissions (calculated in accordance with the calculation method defined by implementing act)
- the carbon price already due in a non-EU country of origin for the embedded emissions in the imported goods, if any.
From January 1, 2026, onwards, importers will also have to account for the emissions embedded in the relevant imported goods by purchasing CBAM certificates which will be purchased for every CBAM good(s) imported into the EU. There will be a phase-in with increasing coverage of embedded emissions by the CBAM obligation from 2026. The full embedded emissions will only be covered from 2034 onwards.
Once the carbon pricing phase starts, for covered products in the cement, fertilisers, and electricity sectors, both direct and indirect emissions must be priced, while for covered products in the iron, steel, aluminium, and hydrogen sectors, only direct emissions must be priced.
What actions do importers need to take?
Importers of CBAM goods into the customs territory of the EU should raise their CBAM attention and get prepared. It is their responsibility to comply with all obligations resulting from the CBAM Regulation.
Importers might be obliged to submit a report quarterly via the CBAM Transitional Registry managed by the European Commission. If that is the case, as an immediate first step they will need to register before they can submit the required details (becoming the “authorized CBAM declarant”).
When clearing CBAM goods for import as customs representative, FedEx will not carry out CBAM reporting on behalf of importers who are established in the customs territory of the EU.
What should you do now?
We recommend that importers into the EU take the following actions now:
- Importer must first register to enable them to submit their reports
- Familiarize yourself with details and processes via the EU Commission’s CBAM dedicated page: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (europa.eu)
- Review the origin and sourcing patterns of in-scope products to determine possibilities for exemptions or reductions under CBAM
- Determine data availability for the required reporting
- Check if you can improve your business and contact suppliers to reduce carbon emissions and create a more sustainable, environmentally friendly supply chain
What’s happened?
As of July 1, 2024, the Ministry of Economy is embarking on a reform aimed at facilitating the processes of importing items that require standardization into Israel.
As part of the reform, items associated with import groups 2 + 3 in the Ministry of Economy, will not require approval of standardization and can have clearance on the basis of a customers statement for compliance with the standardization requirement. These items will require the importers to maintain a product portfolio for each import item that requires standardization and a commitment to conform the item to the requirements of the standardization commissioner. Items associated with group 1 will require a certificate of conformity as a condition for customs clearance.
Who does it affect:
Importers who import items that require approvals according to a free import order, provided that they are not an importer who violates trust.
What should you do:
The importer must check whether his import items are included in group 2 or 3 at the Ministry of Economy. If so, the importer must have a product portfolio for each item and model according to the requirements of the Ministry of Economy. The product portfolio must include various documents including inspection certificates as required on the website of the Ministry of Economy.
The importer must verify that the items meet all the requirements of Israeli standardization.
An importer who meets the import conditions and holds a product portfolio will be required to fill out a declaration to that effect, according to which the shipment will be submitted for customs clearance without attaching a certificate from a testing laboratory or the standardization officer.
An importer who violates trust must have approvals, even for items in groups 2 + 3.
We have put together links for you to all the required documents and additional information about the reform:
- Information on the various import groups on the website of the Ministry of Economy.
- Information on managing a product portfolio on the website of Ministry of Finance.
- Download importer declaration
- Download reform flow chart
- Example of product portfolio
- Goods clearance procedure
- Training webinar on the reform on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce
- Reform presentation on behalf of Ministry of Economy and Industry
- Customs rates, purchase tax and mandatory payments
What’s happened?
As of March 1, 2024, the trade agreement between the State of Israel and the Republic of Guatemala entered into force.
The agreement allows for a gradual reduction of tariffs on various items including agricultural items, medicines, and jewellery.
The agreement constitutes another milestone for the promotion of Israeli exports with the reduction of customs duties on items made in Israel.
Who does it affect:
Israeli importers who import items made in Guatemala or who are interested in doing so.
Israeli exporters who export items made in Israel to Guatemala or who are interested in doing so.
What should you do:
An origin form must be included in every shipment between Israel and Guatemala and signed by the local customs in order to activate the duty reduction.
For your convenience, the source form is attached here.
What’s happened?
To reduce the trade barriers and strengthen international competitiveness of Swiss companies, the Federal Council adopted a package of import facilitation measures, including the lifting of tariffs on industrial goods.
At the same time, the increase of current Swiss VAT rates for all products has been announced.
Lifting of tariffs on industrial goods:
From January 1, 2024, the tariffs on industrial goods imported into Switzerland will be lifted.
The lifting of the industrial tariffs will apply to goods under Chapters 25-97 of the Swiss Customs Tariff, with the exception of agricultural and fishery products falling into Chapters 35 and 38.
Additionally, the tariff structure for industrial products will be streamlined by removing the highly detailed breakdown currently used to levy differentiated customs duties and significantly reducing the number of existing tariff headings, which will further reduce the administrative burden.
Changes to VAT rates:
From January 1, 2024, new VAT rates will apply in Switzerland as follows:
Until December 31, 2023 | From January 1, 2024 | |
Standard rate | 7.7% | 8.1% |
Reduced rate | 2.5% | 2.6% |
Special rate for accommodation | 3.7% | 3.8% |
What should you do now?
The removal of tariffs and simplification of the Swiss Customs Tariff for industrial goods does not remove the requirement to declare and submit all relevant documents i.e., commercial invoices, authorizations etc.
All import declarations will still have to be submitted with a correct Harmonized System (HS) code for the goods imported. The nomenclature of the customs tariff will still dictate the rules of origin, levying of additional charges, and the enforcement of numerous requirements, e.g., licensing and certifications requirements.
When importing industrial products, that at the time of import are expected to remain or be consumed in Switzerland, application of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) or the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) will no longer be required, as non- preferential duty rates will already be set to zero.
When importing merchandise or input materials for further processing and re- export from Switzerland with application of origin cumulation, supplier’s proof of preferential origin will be required at the time of import to Switzerland.
As it is not always clear at the time of import if the product will remain in Switzerland or if it will be re- exported, it is highly recommended that a proof of preferential origin is issued for all shipments to Switzerland.
Please also be prepared for the application of the new, higher VAT rates.
Useful Resources:
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Federal Tax Administration (FTA)
On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union and began trading on its own terms. As a result of Brexit, goods arriving in GB from the EU and the other way around must follow import, export and transit procedures. On July 13, 2020, UK Government issued the first Border Operating Model explaining how the new border with the EU will work. An essential part of this document was a chapter on rules for importing SPS products. Planned changes were meant to be introduced in stages beginning in January 2021. Due to multiple barriers, introduction of most new controls was postponed, and the government started working on a new Border Target Operating Model.
What’s happened?
On August 29, 2023, following extensive engagement with industry, the UK Government published the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) detailing the final set of planned controls on EU imports. The new model is designed to set out to importers, the border industry, and wider stakeholders, the processes they will need to go through in order to import goods once BTOM is implemented.
In terms of SPS goods, BTOM provides for simplified, risk-based system of biosecurity controls for imports into GB that will be:
- Tailored to the specific risks faced by the UK’s Agri-food industry and natural environment
- Implemented in a phased approach
- Providing certainty for businesses
Animals, animal products, plants, and plant products subject to biosecurity import controls will be divided into three risk categories:
- High risk
- Medium risk
- Low risk
Specific documents and inspections will be required depending on which category imported goods fall into.
What are the timelines?
The new milestones for introduction of specific documentary and physical controls, are as follows:
- 31 January 2024:
- The introduction of health certification on imports of medium risk animal products, plants, plant products and high- risk food and feed of non- animal origin from the EU.
- The removal of pre notification requirements for low-risk plant and plant products from the EU.
- 30 April 2024:
- The introduction of documentary and risk-based identity and physical checks on medium risk animal products, plants, plant products and high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin from the EU.
- Existing inspections of high-risk plants/plant products from the EU will move from destination to Border Control Posts.
- Authorities will also begin to simplify imports from non-EU countries. This will include the removal of health certification and routine checks on low-risk animal products, plants, plant products from non-EU countries as well as reduction in physical and identity check levels on medium-risk animal products from non-EU countries.
What should you do now?
EU exporters of any SPS products must check which risk category their goods fall into and provide relevant documentation and information to their GB importer and FedEx. Please refer to useful resources section.
Commercial invoices accompanying any SPS products must contain detailed goods description, Harmonized System (HS) codes, and indication of the risk category they fall into. Failing to include this information on the commercial invoice may result in shipment delays.
As clearly stated in FedEx’s Terms and Conditions of Carriage, the sender is responsible at their own expense for making sure goods shipped internationally are acceptable for entry into the destination country under the applicable laws and complying with all licensing or permitting requirements when applicable. FedEx reserves the right at FedEx’s sole discretion to charge sender with any penalties, fines, damages or other costs or expenses, including storage fees, resulting from an enforcement action by any competent government authority, or by sender’s failure to comply with the obligations hereby laid out.
There is no change to the current process for importing SPS goods from the EU to Northern Ireland.
Reminder: All products of animal and plant origin must travel on Priority services.
Useful Resources:
The Border Target Operating Model
Summary table of risk categories for animal product imports from the EU to GB & searchable list with HS codes
Summary table of risk categories for plants and plant products
Model Health Certificates for exports of live animals and animal products to Great Britain
What’s happened?
From January 1, 2024, all non-document shipments, outside of Value-Added Tax on e-commerce (VOEC) scheme imported into Norway will require an individual customs declaration and payment of duties and taxes regardless of their value.
At the same time, a number of measures will be introduced to strengthen the VOEC scheme.
What is the VOEC scheme?
VAT on e-commerce (VOEC) is a voluntary, simplified VAT scheme for foreign suppliers and marketplaces selling low value goods directly to consumers in Norway. The low value threshold for the VOEC scheme is set at NOK 3000.00 (currently around EUR 256.00)* excluding freight and insurance cost and any other identifiable taxes and charges.
Suppliers of low value Business to Consumer (B2C) shipments sending their goods under VOEC scheme are obliged to calculate and collect Norwegian VAT at the time of sale and account for it on a quarterly basis.
The NOK 3000.00 limit of the VOEC scheme applies per item, not per invoice or a transaction. Several products in the same shipment, with individual values of below NOK 3000.00 can still be declared under VOEC even if their combined value exceeds the value threshold.
If the value of any individual item in the shipment exceeds the NOK 3000.00 threshold, the whole consignment will not qualify for the VOEC scheme. Not all types of goods can be declared under the VOEC scheme.
The following goods are excluded:
- All types of food and beverages, including nutritional and dietary supplements that are not medicinal drugs,* *
- All goods subject to excise duties,
- Illegal goods and goods restricted under the Norwegian legislation.
*NOK to EUR exchange rate will be changing in time, so shippers are advised to check it when booking the shipment.
**Special rules apply to the import of medicinal drugs.
Import duty is not chargeable on shipments under VOEC scheme.
What should you do now?
Foreign suppliers registered for VOEC sending B2C goods with value not exceeding NOK 3000.00 to Norway must calculate and charge the Norwegian VAT at the time of sale, and account for it to Norwegian Tax Authorities quarterly. As of January 1, 2024, senders of VOEC shipments will have to declare their VOEC identification number in the ‘Tax ID’ field of their FedEx or TNT shipping application so that it is automatically populated on the Airway Bill (AWB) and can be declared to Norwegian authorities at importation.
Missing VOEC number on the AWB may result in shipment delays and double taxation, as the Norwegian importer will be charged VAT at importation.
Useful Resources:
VAT on E- commerce- VOEC
Sending goods under the VOEC scheme
VOEC: New solution for VOEC and abolishment of the temporary declaration exemption
What’s happened?
In response to the conflict in Ukraine that began in February 2022, the European Union (EU), United States (U.S.), United Kingdom (UK) and other countries globally have initiated comprehensive sanctions against Russia and Belarus.
While all FedEx services in Belarus and Russia continue to be suspended until further notice without exception, it is important to be aware of some of the newly adopted restrictive measures.
The U.S., EU and other countries in the region including UK, Norway and Switzerland have issued an import prohibition on certain products originating in Russia (‘’made in’’).
Additionally, as of September 30, 2023, the EU, UK, Norway and Switzerland have prohibited the import of iron and steel products processed in a third country incorporating iron and steel products originating in Russia.
The EU is taking a phased approach for inputs of certain HS codes falling within this prohibition:
- From September 30, 2023: products of iron and steel of Annex XVII containing inputs of iron and steel of the list other than those of CN codes 7207 11,7207 12 10, or 7224 90. This is, iron and steel products with inputs made in Russia falling under these three codes are not prohibited yet.
- From April 1, 2024: iron and steel products with inputs made in Russia falling under CN code 7207 11 are prohibited; and
- From October 1, 2024: iron and steel products with inputs made in Russia falling under CN codes 7207 12 10 or 7224 90 are prohibited.
The UK is not offering a transitional period and all HS codes in scope are included from September 30.
What evidence is required by the importing country authorities?
At importation of such iron and steel products, importers must provide evidence of the country of origin of the iron and steel inputs used for the processing of the product in a third country. The purpose is to confirm that the items or their inputs did not originate in Russia.
The approach of customs authorities on this requirement differs from country to country, and it is still subject to review and potential changes. Whereas some national customs authorities only accept the Mill Test Certificate (MTC), others will also accept alternative documents like certificates of origin or the sender’s statement included on the commercial documents relating to specific shipments.
For countries accepting a compliance declaration in the commercial invoice, a possible text to be provided is:
We hereby confirm that goods shipped with AWB _____________________are not subject to the prohibitions set out in Article 3g (1) (d) of Council Regulation (EU) 2023/1214 of 23 June 2023 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions, which destabilize the situation in Ukraine, and no primary materials of Russian origin, as regulated here, are used.
Who does it affect?
Anyone in the EU, UK, Norway and Switzerland importing iron and steel products with HS codes in scope of the prohibition from anywhere in the world.
What should you do now?
Importers must try to proactively work with their suppliers and ensure documentation accepted as evidence of origin by customs in their country is gathered and included at the time of booking the shipment.
Useful Resources:
Information correct at time of publication (October 2023) but is subject to change by the customs authorities.
What’s happened?
The process of making an importer's affidavit for suppliers from abroad for shipments above $5000 has been changed by customs so that a smart card is not required to sign the form. In order to fill out and submit the form and establish an importer's affidavit in the customs systems, you must enter the government identification system and fill out the form there. For commercials customers will require permission from the director of the company to establish the power of attorney.
Who does it effect?
What should you do now?
Commercial customers - the director must register in the government identification system where he can establish importer affidavits for the companies under him, or alternatively grant permission to company employees to do so. An employee who has received permission will also be required to register in the government identification system where he will be able to create an importer affidavit in the customs systems under the company he works for.
A smart card is not required for the registration procedure or making an importer affidavit.
What’s happened?
The process of making a power of attorney (letter to authorization) for customs agents has been changed by customs so that a smart card is not required to sign the form.
To fill out and submit the form and establish a power of attorney, you must enter the government identification system and fill out the form there. For commercial customers, permission from the director of the company will be required to establish the power of attorney
Who does it effect?
Both commercial and private importers and exporters
What should you do now?
Commercial customers - the director must register in the government identification system where he can establish a power of attorney for the companies under him, or alternatively grant permission to company employees to establish a power of attorney for the customs agents.
An employee who has received permission will also be required to register in the government identification system where he will be able to establish a power of attorney for a customs agent under the company he works for.
A smart card is not required for the registration procedure or the execution of the power of attorney.
Click here for the full guide with links to create POA.
What’s happened?
As of April 1, 2023, the trade agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates entered into force, which creates a free trade zone between the countries that allows for exemption from customs duties for the products listed in the agreement. The agreement stipulates a full reduction of customs duties on certain items, a full reduction in stages (in 3 and 5 years) and a partial reduction of the customs duty as a percentage of the total original tax.
The agreement is valid for imports to Israel and exports from it to the United Arab Emirates.
Who does it effect?
The agreement will affect Israeli exporters who wish to trade with the United Arab Emirates and Israeli importers who wish to purchase produce from the United Arab Emirates. The trade is on commercial import and export only.
What should you do now?
Importers: You must ask the supplier in the United Arab Emirates to produce a certificate of origin as stipulated in the agreement, stamp the Emirates customs, and attach it to the shipping paperwork.
Exporters: When exporting from Israel, a certificate of origin must be produced in accordance with the agreement, stamped by Israeli customs and attached to the shipping paperwork intended for the United Arab Emirates.
The exporter must indicate on the source form the name of the city, village, locality or industrial area where the goods were produced, as well as the corresponding zip code. Goods originating in the 1967 annexed territories or civil administration are not recognized by the UAE delegation as being entitled to originating status.
The details of the agreement, the required certificate of origin and additional information can be accessed on the website of the Ministry of Economy:
What’s happened?
As of January 15, 2023, the IL Customs ‘Export Global Gate’ system will go live.
This is a national project with a significant contribution to the promotion of exports and Israeli industry, while significantly simplifying and streamlining the export processes, saving time and human resources.
It was decided on shutdown times as detailed below and in the customs procedure that is attached here.
- Export in foreign trade will be shutdown starting Tuesday, January 10, 2023, from 10:00 p.m.
In accordance with customs procedures, certificates of origin will not be issued on the shutdown days - Import Global Gate will be shutdown starting Thursday, January 12, 2023, from 06:00 a.m.
- On Sunday, January 15, 2023, starting at 8:00 a.m., both systems will be live on Global Gate.
With the launch of Export Global Gate, some of the work processes in front of customs will be changed.
As part of the changes, it will be necessary to electronically submit all the paperwork in advance for each shipment (documents and goods), to receive a permit for the shipment and to avoid delays in the shipment leaving the country.
The "Export Global Gate" system enables a customs clearance procedure without a physical documentation (paperless).
However, in accordance with other regulatory requirements, it is required to attach printed copies of your customs documentation to your shipment in addition to submitting it electronically.
Who does it effect?
Will apply to all exporters in Israel - both to exporters of documents and to exporters of goods.
What should you do now?
1. Power of attorney to a customs agent to perform actions in front of customs:
As of the launch of the Export Global Gate system, a Power of attorney will be mandatory as of 250 USD export shipment’s value. You should fill in the details of the customs agent:
FedEx Express Israel International Ltd.
VAT number 515929552.
Please click here for the full guide.
We recommend you to carry out power of attorney through the government identification system as soon as possible to ensure we can carry out customs on your behalf.
Working with a smart card:
From now on, a smart card is not required for a power of attorney and for export declaration. It is indeed required for "MASLUL" system, in which government permits are issued, and for this exporters are required to use a Comsign/personaliD smart card.
Attached is a link to the Comsign website and the personaliD website - for the purpose of downloading forms for issuing the smart card.
2. Transfer of export documents for submission to customs
As part of the expected changes, it will be necessary to electronically submit all the paperwork in advance for each shipment, to receive a permit for the shipment and to avoid delays in the shipment leaving the country.
Below are 2 alternatives available to you:
a. the recommended solution - ETD (FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents).
ETD is a simple free of charge solution that allows to upload customs documentation electronically* when creating your international shipments.
Please click here for the document submission guide using the NEW FedEx Ship Manager™ on fedex.com, or here for the guide of FedEx Ship Manager™ on fedex.com.
* In accordance with local regulatory requirements, it is required to attach printed copies of your customs documentation to your shipment in addition to submitting it electronically
b. automatic email - if you are unable to make the use of ETD as a work procedure in all your international shipments, and for us to handle shipments quickly and efficiently, we offer you the option of sending us your export documents by email, so that they are automatically recorded in the local system. Please click here for the full explanation.
3. Defense Export/Dual-use export
In accordance with customs regulations, the exporter must inform the customs agent prior to the departure of any Defense Export/Dual-use export. You can update FedEx at the following email address: fedex_automail@fedex.com
4. Packing List
Please notice that Packing List is mandatory for each shipment over one package.
For your convenience, please see here the presentation of a webinar for FedEx customers on preparing to the Export Global Gate - latest updates.
Questions and answers about Export Global Gate are at your disposal:
1. What is Export Global Gate?
A new customs system, which will go live on January 15, 2023 and will enables a customs clearance procedure without a physical documention (paperless).
However, in accordance with other regulatory requirements, it is required to attach printed copies of your customs documentation to your shipment in addition to submitting it electronically.
The main changes:
- abolition of the physical file that is submitted to customs, and in addition all export documents will be transferred a customs clearance procedure without a physical documention (paperless).
- Smart card for self-issued permits
- electronic certificates of origin
- export licenses through ‘MASLUL’ system
2. What are the main changes in the work process following the launch of the Export Global Gate system?
a. The requirement to fill out a digital Power of attorney for each 250 USD export shipment’s value.
b. It is necessary to electronically submit all the paperwork in advance for each shipment to receive permit for the shipment and to avoid delays in the shipment leaving the country.
3. What is a smart card? Why do we need one and how do we get it?
From now on, a smart card is not required for a power of attorney and for export declaration. It is indeed required for "MASLUL" system, in which government permits are issued, and for this exporters are required to use a Comsign/personaliD smart card.
4. Is a Power of attorney required for each of the customs agents separately?
A Power of attorney authorizes a customs agent to perform actions on behalf of the exporter - each exporter must sign a Power of attorney in front of any customs agent he works with.
5. What is required of the exporter for Defense Export/Dual-use export shipments?
It is the exporter's responsibility to forward to FedEx the information in advance whether the shipment is Defense Export or Dual-use, so that we can submit it in accordance with the Export Global Gate system (a license number or a copy of the license must be forwarded).
The license/certificate can be sent in digital form by uploading the file and transmitting it via ETD (FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents), or send it by email to fedex_automail@fedex.com.
6. Is a customs procedure required for each shipment?
As of the launch of Export Global Gate system, the export of each shipment that leaves the country, both documents and goods, is required in a procedure with Israel customs. Therefore, to avoid shipment delays, FedEx needs to receive the shipment paperwork in advance.
7. Is there a way I can transfer the paperwork digitally?
Yes, below are 2 alternatives available to you:
a. the recommended solution - ETD (FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents). ETD is a simple free of charge solution that allows to upload customs documentation electronically* when creating your international shipments.
Please click here for the document submission guide using the NEW FedEx Ship Manager™ on fedex.com, or here for the guide of FedEx Ship Manager™ on fedex.com.
* In accordance with local regulatory requirements, it is required to attach printed copies of your customs documentation to your shipment in addition to submitting it electronically
b. automatic email - if you are unable to make the use of ETD as a work procedure in all your international shipments, and for us to handle shipments quickly and efficiently, we offer you the option of sending us your export documents by email, so that they are automatically recorded in the local system.
Please click here for the full explanation.
What’s happened?
In 2021, the European Union introduced a mandatory contribution for all Member States to encourage them to reduce non-recycled plastic packaging waste and stimulate Europe’s transition towards circular economy by implementing the European Plastic Strategy.
Some Member States will pay the contribution at a uniform rate of 0.8 EUR per kilogram of non-recycled plastic packaging waste from their own budget while others are working on implementing national systems to collect the tax from traders.
Who does it affect?
Importers of single-use plastic containers to Spain: From January 1, 2023, the additional Plastic Tax for single-use plastic containers applies at the rate of 0.45 EUR per kilogram of virgin plastic material contained in the plastic packaging products manufactured in Spain, acquired from another European Union Member State, or imported into Spain from outside of the European Union.
Products subject to the additional Plastic Tax |
Product excluded from the scope of the additional Plastic Tax |
What should you do now?
The additional tax on single use plastic products is payable at the time of importation and the charged amount will be shown on the FedEx invoice under additional tax.
Senders shipping any products falling in the scope of the additional Plastic Tax to Spain should provide the correct amount of virgin plastic contained in their product on their commercial invoices to avoid any errors in calculations.
What’s happened?
As of January 2, 2023, the import of pharmaceutical medicines from countries outside of the European Union in express parcels to private consumers in Cyrus is prohibited.
Consequently, pharmaceutical medication items destined to an unauthorised recipient in Cyprus will either be returned back to the sender at their cost or seized by customs.
Who does it affect?
Business to Consumer (B2C) and Consumer to Consumer (C2C): Shipments of pharmaceutical medicines are no longer accepted for import under any circumstances.
Registered suppliers sending commercial shipments destined to business recipients: Shipments are allowed for import, provided that the importing company holds a valid license from Cyprus Customs to import pharmaceutical medicines.
What should you do now?
Refrain from sending pharmaceutical medication via our network to private individuals in Cyprus.
Please note that vitamins and food supplements are not classified as pharmaceutical medication. However, equally strict requirements apply to food and feed products imported into the European Union.
What’s happened?
On 1 July 2022, new radiometric surveillance regulations have been introduced to the import of metallic materials (semi-finished or finished products) into Italy, based on the EU Council Directive 2013/59/ EURATOM laying down basic safety standards for protection against dangers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation.
Certain metallic products are subject to specialized checks that must be conducted by an authorized external body. A certificate of inspection must be provided before the import customs declaration can be issued. The certificate of the radiometric controls can be issued in a non-EU country provided that a mutual recognition with this country is in place. Currently the mutual recognition agreement is only held with Switzerland.
What is radiometric monitoring?
Radiometric monitoring is the inspection of scrap, semi-finished, and all other metal materials in order to detect radioactive anomalies. The full list of items and HS codes falling into this category is available here.
Radioactive measurements are taken near the external walls of a container with specific and very sensitive instruments, which are equipped with a probe that has a sodium iodide scintillator, in order to detect even the tiniest radioactive anomalies.
Who does this affect?
This Regulatory change affects importers of the listed finished metal products, semi-finished metal products and/ or scrap and other waste metal materials into Italy.
What should you do now?
Each shipment must be inspected, there is no possibility for general authorization for traders importing the same type of products on regular basis.
Upon arrival of the shipment, FedEx will contact the receiver of the shipment indicating a third-party supplier who can provide radiometric inspection and issue the relevant certificate. If the receiver accepts the suggested solution, they will be contacted by the supplier to proceed with payment and inspection; should the receiver refuse, the shipment will be returned to the sender, at the cost of the customer. The radiometric inspections can take place in all of FedEx’s clearance locations in Italy. The fee for the inspection is approximately EUR 170.00 per shipment and is payable by the importer directly to the inspecting company. FedEx is not involved in the contracting or payment collection.
In order to optimize costs related to radiometric inspection, we recommend that customers import these commodity categories in one single shipment.
If you have any questions, please contact your Sales Representative.
What’s happened?
As of June 1, 2022, the Ministry of Economy's import reform, which aims to reduce the regulatory burden on commercial imports of items into Israel, came into force. The reform has come to facilitate the release process and reduce and even completely remove regulatory requirements for many items. As part of the reform, the standardization process undergoes the issuance of an official standard approval for submitting declarations of compliance with an Israeli standard and in some items even compliance with an international standard.
Items that must meet the standard are divided into four standard groups. Many items have moved from Group 1 (the most stringent and requires an official standard for each shipment) to Groups 2 and 3 which are lighter. Group 4 is for industry only.
Items updated in Group 2 must be approved by a periodic model, and a statement must be submitted to the Standards Institute that indicates that the item is imported upon approval of the model and compliance with the legality of Israeli standards.
Items updated in Group 3 do not require the approval of a periodic model, but the submission of a declaration to the Standards Institute on compliance with the legality of Israeli standards only.
For each of the groups, the importer must have a product portfolio, which includes documents and inspection certificates of the items, in accordance with the requirements of the standardization manager, and may require individual inspections at each stage. The importer is not required to submit the product portfolio unless requested to do so.
Who does it effect?
The relief will apply to Israeli importers in commercial imports only.
What should you do now?
Before or during the import, please see the website of the Ministry of Economy to which import group the item belongs. The information can be found at the following link:
Then, must log in to the track system and under the category of Standards Institute submit the required statements and documents.
After submitting the documents and receiving a release certificate, the certificate must be forwarded to the import representative.
The information provided on this page does not constitute legal advice or advice on tax, financial, accounting, or commercial matters, but is intended to provide general information related to business and commerce. Content, information, and services are not a substitute for advice from a qualified professional, such as a licensed attorney, law firm, accountant or financial advisor.
What’s happened?
As of June 1, 2022, there have been several changes regarding the export of goods returned to Israel.
There is an obligation to indicate in the export paperwork, whether the items are exported for repair within the framework of a supplier's warranty and a repair number (RMA).
As for the import of jewellery, there will be an obligation to match a catalogue or serial number.
The high-tech arrangement, which was valid until June 1, 2022, allowed exporters in the arrangement not to present proof of export to be revoked, and exporters should apply to customs to apply to join the new "temporary import for returned exports" arrangement.
Of course, joining involves customs clearance. An exporter who is not approved in the arrangement must present export proof when returning the goods to the country.
The new procedural provision repeals all the classification and legal provisions that have been in place so far and replaces them.
Who does it effect?
Exporters who export items for repair at the supplier as well as exporters who export items made in Israel and who have the possibility of returning to Israel for any reason.
What should you do now?
Care must be taken to indicate on the export paper serial numbers of the exported items, as well as to indicate whether they are exported for the purpose of repair within the framework of supplier's warranty and repair number (RMA).
To join the "temporary import for re-export" arrangement, an application for customs approval must be submitted. Importers who have hitherto benefited from the "high-tech arrangement" must also apply for registration in the new arrangement. An application to join the new arrangement must be submitted to the importer at carnet-ntbg@taxes.gov.il (you can check the status of the application by phone - 074-7611754 extension 8).
After receiving approval for joining the arrangement from customs, the confirmation email must be forwarded to the import representative.
The information provided on this page does not constitute legal advice or advice on tax, financial, accounting, or commercial matters, but is intended to provide general information related to business and commerce. Content, information, and services are not a substitute for advice from a qualified professional, such as a licensed attorney, law firm, accountant or financial advisor.
What’s happened?
The World Custom Organisation’s (WCO) Harmonized System (HS) is used for the international classification of goods when they are being traded across borders. It is applied in more than 200 states, countries and territories worldwide, meaning 98% of the world's trade is classified using the HS nomenclature. It is revised every 5 years, and HS 2022, the seventh edition of the Harmonized System nomenclature, will come into effect from January 1, 2022.
Commodity codes are a key requirement for the completion of customs processes such as completing declarations and are used to determine what duties and other taxes may be payable when goods are traded across borders. It is essential they are correct as product misclassification could lead to customs delays or payment of higher duties and taxes.
What’s in the new HS 2022?
The new HS 2022 edition has a total of 351 amendments covering a wide range of goods.
HS 2022 recognises new product streams and addresses environmental and social issues of global concern. Some examples include:
- Electrical and electronic waste (e-waste): HS 2022 includes specific provisions for its classification to assist countries in their work under the Basel Convention.
- Nicotine-based products and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, also known as drones): New provisions simplify the classification of these products.
- Smartphones: Gain their own subheadings.
- Glass fibres and metal-forming machinery: Major reconfigurations have been undertaken because the current subheadings do not effectively represent technological advances in these sectors.
- Multi-purpose intermediate assemblies: there will be more products classified in their own right, such as flat panel display modules.
Goods specifically controlled under various Conventions have also been updated and many new subheadings have been created for dual-use goods.
Changes have also been made to put a greater focus on health and safety. The recognition of the dangers of delays in the deployment of tools for the rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases in outbreaks has led to changes to the provisions for such diagnostic kits to simplify classification. New provisions for placebos and clinical trial kits for medical research to enable classification without information on the ingredients in a placebo will assist in facilitating cross-border medical research. Cell cultures and cell therapy are among the product classes that have gained new and specific provisions.
Who does this affect?
Given the wide scope of the changes, there are many important changes not mentioned here so it is therefore essential that any business shipping goods across borders review the changes to see if their goods are impacted.
What should you do now?
You should review the HS 2022 changes to determine if any of these changes impact your product classifications. Additionally, importers should perform a complete product database review to confirm their existing product classifications are valid for when HS 2022 goes into effect.
The WCO has published 2017 to 2022 correlation tables that can be used to check if the current HS code will change and, if so, where the relevant goods will be classified.
And remember:
The WCO standardizes HS codes at the six-digit level. That six-digit code is the international standard for all participating countries. The first two digits indicate the HS chapter heading, the second two identify the product heading, and third two identify the specific subheading or subcategory of a given product.
Most countries accept at the six-digit level but there are exceptions and some countries require additional digits. For example, the United States uses a 10-digit code to classify products for export, known as a Schedule B number. In India, 8 digits are used, called the ITC number (Indian Tariff Code number).
It is essential to check the country you are shipping to and from to see what is required.
Useful links:
What’s happened?
Use of the import VAT reverse charge is compulsory for businesses importing into France with effect January 1, 2022. In addition, the management and collection of VAT on imports has been transferred from French Customs to the French Tax Authority - Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP).
The declaration and payment of import VAT will be made in the French VAT return instead of the customs declaration. This deferral to the VAT return is known as a ‘reverse charge’. This reverse charge means that the import VAT is no longer paid at the point of importation.
As of January 1, 2022, if a business will act as the importer of record for an import of goods into France, then it is mandatory for that business to be registered for French VAT and to submit a French VAT return.
VAT registration in France can be done directly by businesses established in France or by businesses located in the EU or UK. Businesses not established in the EU or UK that wish to act as the importer of record for their goods will have to appoint a French tax representative to file the VAT registration application on their behalf.
FedEx customers shipping goods from outside of the EU to business customers in France should provide the French VAT registration number for the importer of record for the customs documentation.
Please note:
- The online French VAT return will be pre-filled automatically with the amount of import VAT based on the information previously declared to French Customs on the customs declaration.
- A web portal will be set up by French Customs to allow businesses to download monthly details of all their imports into France.
- The pre-filled VAT return will be available on the 14th day of each month via French Customs’ online tax portal.
- The deadline for filing the VAT return will become the 24th day of each month for all businesses liable for import VAT.
Who does this affect?
The change applies to businesses that will be importer of record for goods entering France.
What should you do now?
The customs declaration will now have to include the importer's French VAT number so you must include this information on the commercial invoice. If a business will be an importer and does not have a French VAT number, it should contact the French tax authority to register for VAT. For businesses based outside the EU, a fiscal representative may need to be appointed.
For importers that are businesses and do not possess a French VAT number or for private individuals, the import VAT will be collected at the time of import via the import declaration, as was the case before January 1, 2022.
The information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal and/or tax advice; instead, this information is for general informational purposes only. This information may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. Readers of this information should contact their own advisor to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal and/or tax matter. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this site are hereby expressly disclaimed. The content on this posting is provided “as is”; no representations are made that the content is error-free.
What’s happened?
There will be changes coming into effect on January 1, 2022 with regards to imports of specified Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) goods from the EU27 and European Economic Area (EEA) to GB.
Who does it affect?
Customers in the EU27 and EEA who send the following SPS goods to GB:
- Live animals;
- Germinal products;
- Products of animal origin (POAO) under safeguard measures;
- High risk animal by-products (ABP);
- High Risk Food or Feed not of animal origin (HRFNAO)
- All regulated plants and plant products.
What will change?
From January 1, 2022:
From January 1, 2022, pre-notification of the import of products, animals, food, and feed system (IPAFFS) will be required. Our UK Import Clearance teams will complete the pre-notifications on behalf of GB importers.
For now, documentary checks have been postponed, and there will be no requirement for the goods to enter GB via an established point of entry as there will be no physical identity inspections. However, these checks will be introduced from July 1, 2022, together with the requirement for Export Health Certificates (EHCs). The EU exporter will have to provide a copy of the EHC to their UK importer prior to sending the goods.
Further changes in 2022:
In addition to IPAFFS pre-notification requirements, from July 1, 2022, all of the above mentioned types of goods will require a valid EHC or SPS Certificate in order to undergo documentary checks.
Beginning on July 1, 2022, all POAO and ABPs and all regulated plants and plant products will also have to enter GB via a point of entry with a specialized Border Control Post (BCP), even if the product is not subject to documentary checks, as per the following timetable:
- 1 July 2022 - All remaining regulated ABP and all meat and meat products;
- 1 September 2022 - All dairy products;
- 1 November 2022 - All remaining regulated products of animal origin, including composite products and fish products.
What should you do now?
If you are an EU exporter to GB, you must classify your goods correctly and provide specific goods descriptions on all commercial paperwork.
Please ensure that you provide the following information on your commercial documents or create an IPAFFS summary page:
- What type of animal product or goods you’re sending (i.e., POAO, ABP, HRFNAO etc.);
- Origin of the animal product or goods (which country it was produced, originated in);
- Commodity code;
- Commodity type;
- Species of the commodity;
- Commodity weight (kg);
- Reason for exporting consignment (i.e. internal market, transit, research, etc.);
- Consignment’s place of destination;
- Addresses and contact details for place of origin, importer and place of destination.
You should also start preparing for July 1, 2022 when you will be required to provide Export Health Certificates (EHC) for your goods before you ship them.
If you are sending marine-caught fish and some shellfish in addition you must ensure you include a validated Catch Certificate with your commercial paperwork.
If you are the GB importer and we contact you for clearance instructions, please provide all requested information in a timely manner.
If you decide to complete your IPAFFS pre-notification yourself, please ensure you inform us about your authorization number before the goods arrive in GB. In order to do so, please email us stating your air waybill (AWB) number in the subject field of the email and your authorization number in the email body. The email addresses to use are as follows:
- For FedEx shipments: stncustomsadmin@corp.ds.fedex.com
- For TNT shipments: GBTNTIPAFFS@fedex.com
Useful Resources
Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
What’s happened?
The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) came into force on August 1, 2020. It will replace the EU’s Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) scheme for Vietnam.
Who does it affect?
Anyone importing or exporting between the EU and Vietnam, with goods of EU or Vietnam origin.
What will change?
The EVFTA will:
- Eliminate the majority of customs duties immediately
- Phase out tariffs on the remainder of goods covering up to 99% of all trade by 2030
- Simplify and modernise customs and rules of origin procedures, cutting red tape and reducing costs for businesses
- Streamline technical and non-tariff barriers to trade which unnecessarily restrict business
- Establish a legal framework for trade through the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), which guarantees the rights of businesses and consumers on both sides. This will come into effect at a later date.
Collectively, the agreements aim to promote sustainable development on both sides, for stronger employment, environmental, and human rights protection.
What should you do now?
Vietnam is currently part of the EU’s GSP scheme and this will remain in place for up to two years. You can decide if you prefer to use the GSP or FTA for this period, but you should be aware that the conditions for GSP may vary from the FTA.
EU exporters must complete a statement of origin made out on the commercial invoice to qualify for the FTA. For shipments above €6,000, EU exporters will also need to register in the REX system.
Vietnam exporters must complete a statement of origin made out on the commercial invoice to qualify for the FTA. For shipments above €6,000, Vietnam exporters will also require a certificate of origin.
To find out more about the EVFTA you can read this comprehensive guide, while information on the FTA’s rules of origin requirements are available in the EU’s guidance document.
What’s happened?
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) initiative is transforming how it will manage the import of commercial goods into Canada, including the requirement for importers to create a CARM Client Portal (CCP) business account. The CARM Client Portal is a self-service tool that facilitates accounting and revenue management processes with the CBSA. It was launched in May 2021 and is a multi-year initiative, structured in a series of releases.
Commercial importers are not mandated to register for the portal until Release 2 (date to be announced by CBSA), when all interactions with the CBSA will be done through the portal. However, affected businesses are encouraged to register already now to be prepared on time.
Who does it affect?
Canadian businesses residing in Europe: If you’re importing commercial goods into Canada and are responsible for the payment of any duties and taxes as the Importer of Record (IOR), it´s important to take certain steps to help prevent your shipments from getting delayed at the border or returned to you as the sender when CARM is fully implemented.
What should you do now?
Canadian businesses residing in Europe:
Register for the CARM Client Portal (CCP) now before the regulation takes effect. Once registered, delegate authority to your customs brokers (e.g. FedEx Express or FedEx Trade Networks) so they can continue to manage your commercial imports to Canada under CARM. You must also ensure your customs broker has your current company and contact information.
Detailed information, next steps, and helpful resources are available at fedex.ca/carm. To access this page, please type in the vanity manually.
Consider bookmarking this page: We will update the steps once additional requirements for Release 2 are further clarified.
European businesses selling commercial goods to customers in Canada:
Consider confirming at the time of sale that your Canadian business partner has taken the required steps to prepare for CARM.
What’s happened?
The National Customs Service (Servicio Nacional de Aduanas) has stated that as of February 1, 2022 the Rol Único Tributario – RUT (Unique Taxpayer ID) must be included for all shipments to Chile, regardless of the type and value of the shipment.
All shipments arriving to Chile from abroad must include the RUT of the consignee to avoid being held by Chile’s Customs authority. Shipments arriving without RUT may be rejected and will not be allowed to clear until the RUT is provided. In addition, the carrier, may be subject to fines.
Shipments must include the RUT, and the first name, last name, and/or company name, of the consignee.
Who does it affect?
Anyone sending shipments to Chile will need to comply with the new regulations.
What should you do now?
As of February 1, 2022, you must include the Rol Único Tributario – RUT (Unique Taxpayer ID) number on the commercial invoice for all shipments to Chile.
What's happened?
Canada, along with over 200 countries and customs territories, accept the World Customs Organization (WCO) Harmonized System (HS) nomenclature as the foundation for their tariff legislation and the collection of international trade statistics. The HS code is updated every 5 years to keep current with new and evolving changes in technology, trade patterns, and global issues. For HS 2022, the WCO made significant amendments that came into effect on January 1, 2022.
The 2022 Canadian Customs Tariff has been updated to reflect the 351 sets of amendments made to the WCO HS nomenclature. The amendments include changes to HS classification codes, but duty rates have not been affected.
The Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) has prepared a Table of Concordance and this table reflects that around 1,194 tariff items at the 8-digit level and 1,534 tariff items at the 10-digit level are impacted. This encompasses a wide range of goods.
If your products fall under the following customs chapters, it’s a good idea to double-check their classifications:
Chapter 29: Organic chemicals
Chapter 30: Pharmaceutical products
Chapter 44: Wood, articles of wood, charcoal
Chapter 70: Glass and glassware
Chapter 73: Articles of iron or steel
Chapter 84: Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery
Chapter 85: Electrical machinery and equipment
Chapter 87: Vehicles (non-railway, non-rolling stock)
Chapter 88: Aircraft and spacecraft
Chapter 90: Medical or surgical instruments and apparatus
Chapter 95: Toys, games and sports accessories
Chapter 97: Works of art, collectors’ pieces and antiques
Who does it affect?
All businesses that ship packages and goods to and from Canada will need to comply with the new HS classification codes. Given the wide scope of changes, there are many important ones not mentioned here so it is therefore essential that you fully review to see if your goods are impacted.
What should you do now?
Businesses who ship goods to Canada should review their product/commodity databases to ensure their HS classification codes remain valid in accordance to the 2022 Canadian Customs Tariff. Using invalid HS classification codes could result in customs entry errors and potential clearance delays.
Useful Links:
What’s happened?
Low value goods bought in Singapore are subject to Goods and Service Tax (GST), while the same goods bought from overseas and imported were not. Effective January 1, 2023, GST also applies to the purchase of imported low value goods by consumers in Singapore from GST-registered suppliers.
When selling and shipping low value goods to Singapore, this means the shipper may be required to register, charge and account for GST on these supplies.
What are low value goods?
Low value goods are defined as goods which at the point of sale:
- are not dutiable goods, or are dutiable goods, but payment of the customs duty or excise duty chargeable on the goods is waived and
- are not exempt from GST and
- are located outside Singapore and are to be delivered to Singapore via air or post and
- have a value not exceeding the GST import relief threshold of 400 Singapore Dollar (SGD)
Who does it affect outside of Singapore?
Overseas suppliers: If you are a supplier of low value goods belonging outside Singapore, you are required to register for GST in Singapore if you:
- have an annual global turnover exceeding 1 million SGD and
- make B2C supplies of low-value goods to Singapore exceeding 100,000 SGD
Electronic marketplace operator or re-deliverers: Under certain conditions, you may also be regarded as the supplier of the low-value goods. In this case, you are required to register, charge and account for GST on low-value good supplies, instead of the suppliers.
What should you do now?
Overseas vendors that meet the criteria must:
1. Apply for a Singapore Overseas Vendor Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration number https://form.gov.sg/628c35095285380016698317
2. Collect GST at the time of purchase for each item valued up to 400 SGD
3. Clearly indicate the following information on the Shipment Commercial Invoice:
a. The Singapore GST registration number
b. Indication that GST collection was completed at the time of purchase for each item
For more information please visit https://www.iras.gov.sg/taxes/goods-services-tax-(gst)/consumers/gst-on-imported-low-value-goods.
What’s happened?
Indonesia brought in a new regulation on August 1, 2021 which may impact how international shipments are cleared by the local customs authority. Failure to comply with this new regulation could result in shipment delays.
From August 1, 2021, the regulation requires shippers located outside Indonesia to:
(1) Obtain the Tax ID (NPWP) of their consignee/recipient in Indonesia for each imported shipment; and
(2) Input the Tax ID (NPWP) into the ‘Consignee’ or ‘Recipient’ section of the Air Waybill and Commercial Invoice.
Who does it affect?
Anyone importing between Europe and Indonesia.
What should you do now?
What you need to do when shipping to Indonesia as of August 1, 2021:
- Contact your consignee in Indonesia to obtain their local Tax Identity Number / Tax ID (known locally as ‘NPWP’).
- Input the Tax ID into the ‘Consignee’ or ‘Recipient’ section of your shipment's Air Waybill and Commercial Invoice.
- If your consignee/recipient does not have a Tax ID, other forms of identification may be used instead:
- For Indonesian citizens, input their Indonesian Citizenship Identity Number in place of Tax ID.
- For those without Indonesian citizenship, input their Passport Number in place of Tax ID.
- If you use a shipping tool to electronically prepare shipping documents, please input the Tax ID (or its equivalent as listed above) into the text box provided in the tool:
- FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com (Modernized Version): [RECIPIENT TAX ID] text box located in the ‘Billing’ section. The consignee's Tax ID will be visible on the air waybill.
- FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com (Basic Version): [RECIPIENT TAX ID] text box located in the ‘To’ section.
- FedEx Ship ManagerTM Software: [VAT/Customs ID/EIN#] text box located in the ‘Recipient Information’ section.
- Global Ship ManagerTM Software: [VAT/Customs ID/EIN#] text box located in the ‘Recipient Information’ section.
- myTNT 2: [VAT Number] text box located in the ‘Receiver’ section.
Additional tips and customs resources

Document preparation
Everything you need to know about the essential documentation required to satisfy customs authorities.

Customs tools
Additional resources to help you prepare your shipment so that it successfully clears customs.