FedEx® Reporting Online
Create, run, manage and download reports — all in one place.
Standard Report Types
Address Correction Detail Report
Get shipment-level detail for all covered shipments where an address correction fee was charged. The data in this report can be used to reduce shipping errors and decrease ancillary charges by updating incorrect addresses.
Dimmed Package Detail — Invoice Detail
Find shipment-level detail for all covered shipments where a package was invoiced using a dimensional or oversize weight.
Expense and Volume Summary (USD and Billed Currency)
Get a consolidated view of covered shipment volumes, costs and weights by three paying classifications:
- Prepaid: Shipments paid for and shipped by you using the same account number.
- Collect: Shipments that identify you as the recipient. You paid for the shipment and the shipper account is different from the paying account.
- Third Party: Shipments you paid for that do not identify you as either the shipper or recipient.
Shipper Summary — Invoice Date (USD)
Get a consolidated view of covered shipment volumes, costs and weights by shipping account number and by three paying classifications (see above for definitions):
- Prepaid
- Collect
- Third Party
Shipment Detail — Invoice (USD)
Get shipment-level detail for all covered shipments invoiced during a specific period of time.
Manage Your Reports
As a freight shipper, you have access to administrative capabilities for FedEx Reporting Online. This gives you the ability to:
- Receive email notifications when reports are complete.
- Invite users inside your organisation to generate their own reports.
Organise reports the way you want and get an in-depth view of your data. With FedEx Reporting Online, you can:
- Design your own summary reports.
- Create and save custom account groups.
- Export reports in Excel, CSV, PowerPoint and PDF formats.
- Search accounts by account number, company or address.
- Visualise year-over-year expense and volume by average and total cost per pound, piece, etc.
- Choose between U.S. dollars and billed currency or kilograms and pounds.
- Generate shipment-detail reports on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
- Create custom interactive reports to view trends, filter data, and create charts, graphs, and more. Plus, you can save these templates for repeated use.
Choose from two levels of reporting:
- Choose from one-time and recurring weekly and monthly options.
- Get up to 24 months of data with weekly and monthly scheduling options.
- View year-over-year trend charts.
- Filter reports while in progress.
- Select any date range for up to two years on one-time reports.
- Choose from recurring daily, weekly and monthly options.
- Run multiple reports at once.
- Customise the report and design your own reporting options.
See FedEx Reporting Online Terms & Conditions for more information on using FedEx Reporting Online.