Call us

Call us with enquiries

Want to speak to our team?

When you call, you’ll initially be directed to our voice assistant. It provides you with answers and solutions to the most common questions. If our voice assistant can’t find the answer you’re looking for, it’ll make sure your call reaches the right team when they’re available.


You can connect with the Customer Service team anytime between 08:00 – 18:00.

Plus, we offer 24/7 support with our voice assistant.

How does a voice assistant work?

It allows you to speak conversationally to explain what you need help with - so no need to talk to it like a robot.

It uses natural language processing to provide speech-based support and real-time answers

It provides self-service solutions such as tracking information and guides you to the right online support.

More helpful tips

Keep your nine-digit FedEx account number close by - it'll help the voice assistant get you the right answer.

Speak in full sentences when you explain your query and which team you would like to speak to e.g. ‘I can’t find my package. I’d like to speak to the Tracking team.’

Bear in mind, if your query can’t be resolved by our voice assistant — we won’t leave you hanging. You’ll be referred to the right team to support you.

Call Us

Our team is available Monday to Friday 8.00 - 18:00 and Saturday 8.00 - 13.00

1800 535 800

Freight shipping

For shipments over 68 kg per piece

Monday-Friday 08.30- 17.00

00 353 1 866 9290

Sales enquiries

You can speak to our sales team about becoming a FedEx customer or to discuss any existing rate arrangements.

Monday-Friday 08.30- 17.00

1800 535 800

Customer Service: 1800 535 800

Our team is available Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 19:30.


Freight Customer Service: 00 353 1 866 9290

If you’re shipping over 68kg per piece you will need to speak to our specialist freight team, they are available Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00.


FedEx Sales Team: 1800 535 800

Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00 you can speak to our sales team about becoming a FedEx customer or to discuss any existing rate arrangements.