Shipping with FedEx Express
Shipping with FedEx Express
Import, export and connect to new possibilities across the world with the strength of the FedEx Express network. Choose from a range of fast, reliable services and count on our dedicated team, which is ready to meet all your shipping needs.
Whether you’re sending lightweight or heavy items, urgent or less time-sensitive goods, we make shipping
Be sure to have your FedEx account number on hand to start shipping. Administrators are able to access the account number via fedex.com, after they log into My Profile under the Account tab. For security purposes, standard users will only see the last three digits. Then just follow these steps below:
Package the item
Choose the FedEx Express service you need
Process your shipment
Schedule a pickup
Print your documents
Track your shipment 24/7
Complete your FedEx Express invoice
Package the item
Choosing the right packaging is important to protect your shipment. We offer free packaging with our FedEx International Express services that’s ready-to-use, self-sealing and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Take a look at our full range of packing and shipping supplies, learn about our packaging services and get tips on how to pack efficiently on our packing page.
With our flexible service options, extensive global coverage, continuous shipment visibility and consistent reliability, we can meet a range of requirements.
FedEx Tracking is a free online tool that lets you check the status of your shipment quickly and easily in just one click, without logging in. Simply go to fedex.com and enter your tracking number or reference number on the homepage on any device. You can create a homepage watch list of up to 30 shipments and see real-time delivery updates, view the location of all your shipments, get proof of delivery or get exception notices all from one simple interface.
FedEx Advanced Tracking provides an in-depth status of all your shipments with customized features. You can select how you search, filter, report, view and organize your shipments. With FedEx Advanced Tracking you can:
• Save your view preferences to search more quickly later online.
• Choose to see with calendar or list view, depending on your needs.
• Improve the way you operate with customized shipping reports. Plus, choose when and how you receive your reports from daily, weekly and monthly and CSV or XML formats.
• Set up alerts for particular events and control the amount of information you receive. Plus, set specific status alerts for multiple shipments with batch notifications.
FedEx® Mobile Tracking is a free tool that lets you check the status of your shipment quickly and easily while you’re on the move, via the FedEx® Mobile app for iOS and Android. The app means you can stay up to date in a way that’s convenient for you with email or push notifications on all or one of your shipments.
Pay your FedEx Express invoice
FedEx Express will send you an invoice for your transportation charges and it will need to be paid by the due date printed on the invoice. Any duty and tax charges that you need to pay will be invoiced immediately, and duty and tax invoices are payable according to the credit terms.
You will also have access to FedEx® Billing Online, a web-based tool allowing you to view and track invoices and download invoice data at the touch of a button. Invoices are typically available online within 24 hours after being issued.
Frequently Asked Shipping Questions
We will create a FedEx Express account for you, uploaded with FedEx Express shipping rates that have been calculated using your TNT history. You or someone in your company will be informed about the move by email, which will have a link to activate the FedEx Express account.
To get started, you need to activate your account by creating a new password.
Once the account is activated, you can start shipping. To book a FedEx Express shipment, simply log in to fedex.com and go to ‘Create a shipment’.
Below is the list of TNT tools and the ones you’ll be switching to with FedEx Express:
TNT shipping tool | FedEx Express shipping tool |
myTNT | FedEx online |
Manual consignment notes | FedEx online* |
Other TNT shipping tools | Our Customer Technology team will be in contact to discuss the best shipping solution for your business |
* If it's not possible for your business to move to our automated shipping tools, you can continue to ship manually with FedEx Express. In FedEx Express, forms are referred to as air waybills (AWB).
We will notify you or someone in your company by email when your move to FedEx Express is complete and when you can no longer ship with TNT. You’ll also receive more information on how the move will take place.
As soon as you have activated your FedEx Express account, you can find your account number in the ‘Account Management’ section of the ‘My Profile’ tab on fedex.com. Please note that for security purposes, only administrators can see the full account number and all other standard users will see a masked version (only the last three digits will be visible).
On the log in page for your FedEx Express shipping tool, there is a link to “forgot my username or password”. Please follow the instructions on this link.