We will create a FedEx Express account for you, uploaded with FedEx Express shipping rates that have been calculated using your TNT history. You or someone in your company will be informed about the move by email, which will have a link to activate the FedEx Express account.
To get started, you need to activate your account by creating a new password.
Once the account is activated, you can start shipping. To book a FedEx Express shipment, simply log in to and go to ‘Create a shipment’.
Below is the list of TNT tools and the ones you’ll be switching to with FedEx Express:
TNT shipping tool | FedEx Express shipping tool |
myTNT | FedEx online |
Manual consignment notes | FedEx online* |
Other TNT shipping tools | Our Customer Technology team will be in contact to discuss the best shipping solution for your business |
* If it's not possible for your business to move to our automated shipping tools, you can continue to ship manually with FedEx Express. In FedEx Express, forms are referred to as air waybills (AWB).
We will notify you or someone in your company by email when your move to FedEx Express is complete and when you can no longer ship with TNT. You’ll also receive more information on how the move will take place.
As soon as you have activated your FedEx Express account, you can find your account number in the ‘Account Management’ section of the ‘My Profile’ tab on Please note that for security purposes, only administrators can see the full account number and all other standard users will see a masked version (only the last three digits will be visible).
On the log in page for your FedEx Express shipping tool, there is a link to “forgot my username or password”. Please follow the instructions on this link.
Please click here to access the link. If you have any questions, please contact FedEx Express customer services.
Migration postponement is only allowed under exceptional circumstances. Please contact your Sales representative to discuss the possibility of moving to FedEx Express on an alternative date if needed. If you do not have a Sales representative, then please contact FedEx Express customer service.
Your TNT account has currently a fixed date on which it will automatically deactivate. Please contact your Sales representative to discuss the possibility of postponing the deactivation date of your TNT account. If you do not have a Sales representative, then please contact FedEx Express customer services.
All TNT accounts will be deactivated on the date communicated to you via email.
If you anticipate any specific issues or impact that your business will have as a result of this notice, then please contact your Sales Representative or FedEx Express Customer Service to discuss how FedEx can support you.
Your TNT account cannot be reactivated after it has been deactivated. If you face any issues using your FedEx account, kindly contact FedEx Express Customer Service for support.
Please contact your Sales Representative or FedEx Express customer service to find out more.
Currently, to schedule a shipment pickup, you will need to contact the respective shipping provider. However, when your account has been moved to FedEx Express, you will do this using FedEx services and tools, and FedEx Express will handle all your shipments.
No. For FedEx Express shipments, please use the FedEx Express Air Waybill. But don’t worry, our online shipping tool is intuitive and easy to use, making it simple for you to book your shipments online. See our tool for more information.
There are four ways to get supplies for your FedEx Express shipments:
1. Order online at
2. Pick up supplies at a nearby FedEx Express drop-off location
3. Ask your FedEx Express couriers
4. Contact FedEx Express customer service
If your account has been transitioned, all shipments will be handled by FedEx Express, so please use the packaging provided by FedEx Express or your own packaging.
Your shipment will be charged based on the airway bill/consignment note attached to the shipment and not based on which packaging you use (this excludes packages with a flat rate e.g. FedEx 10kg and 25kg boxes).
If you have questions about your TNT shipments, please contact TNT customer services directly.
While we encourage you to start shipping with FedEx Express, you can continue to book international export and / or import shipments until your myTNT account has been deactivated. Once it’s deactivated, please use FedEx Express services for your shipping.
Your pickup cut-off times will be based on the FedEx Express service available in your area. Please contact FedEx customer service for cut-off time information and to schedule your shipment(s) pickup.
To request a courier, visit and go to the Shipping menu tab. From there, you need to select Schedule & Manage Pickups and you can schedule a same-day or next-day pick up for your FedEx Express packages. If you ship many packages a week and would like to schedule a regular pickup, please call FedEx Express customer service.
These shipments are handled differently by FedEx Express and therefore will be treated as separate pickups. Freight shipment collections need to be organized through FedEx Express customer service.
Your shipment will be delivered based on the FedEx Express delivery commitment. Please contact FedEx Express customer service for more accurate information on your shipment(s) delivery schedule.
There are multiple ways you can access the transit times:
1. You can input your shipment details, including destination and weight/size, into the FedEx Express shipping tool and it will show you the transit times for the relevant service
2. You can use the quote tool on
3. You can access FedEx Express rate sheets on
FedEx Express shipments created in the last 90 days will be displayed within the FedEx Express shipping tool. You will be able to sort by shipments (by ship date, contact name, destination or tracking ID), search for keywords and get tracking results (this opens results directly in the Tracking app in a new tab).
Whether you can view your TNT shipping history depends on the tool you shipped with. If you used myTNT, you can continue to view your shipping history for up to 12 months after the account has been deactivated (you can only view shipments from the past 90 days). Please also note your shipping history won’t move over to FedEx Express, so please download this data if you need it.
If you use one of the TNT desktop applications, you won’t be able to view your shipping history once the tool has been uninstalled. Shipments booked with desktop applications cannot be viewed and/or downloaded from myTNT.
And if you use TNT manual consignment notes, you won’t be able to view your shipment history and it won’t be transferred to FedEx Express.
If you do not currently have a FedEx Express account, one will be created for you and you will soon get an email regarding the details.
Your FedEx Express account numbers can only be used for FedEx Express services.
No, you can only use your FedEx Express account number while shipping with FedEx Express.
Inactive TNT accounts will be switched off – an email will be sent with the deactivation date. Only accounts used to ship in the last 18 months will be moved over to FedEx Express.
Any FedEx shipment that weighs >68kgs per piece, or >300kgs in total weight under multiple piece shipments, or with a dimension of length >274cms or girth >330cms will be categorized as a freight shipment. Freight shipment collection will need to be arranged through FedEx Express customer service.
Please contact FedEx Express customer service to arrange the pickup of your freight shipments. Our customer service agents will work on the booking process and arrange a call back to inform the potential uplift date.
If your FedEx Express package is delivered even 60 seconds later than the published or quoted transit time, you may request a refund under our money-back guarantee (restrictions apply). For more information about our money-back guarantee policy, please refer to the FedEx Express terms and conditions of carriage*.
*The conditions of carriage of the origin country apply to all shipments. The latest version of the FedEx conditions of carriage and any other services-specific terms applicable at any time are available on the local websites of FedEx at
You can file a FedEx Express claim by downloading the following claim form and instructions in PDF format. You have the option to mail, fax, or email the form to your FedEx Express Customer Support Representative(s) at