As you switch from shipping with TNT to FedEx Express, you will continue to receive exceptional service.
We will open a FedEx Express account for you, which will give you access to FedEx Express services and tools. Your FedEx Express international rates have been calculated based on your TNT shipping history, and for a short period of time, you’ll have access to both your TNT and FedEx Express accounts to help ease the transition.
After this period, your TNT account will be deactivated, and you will only be able to ship with FedEx Express.
Your TNT account number will only stay active in our financial and clearance systems to allow us to invoice for duty and taxes for any TNT shipments delivered to you.
While the FedEx Express services will have different names, we will be able to offer you comparable services to those you used with TNT. We’ve put together a table to show you how our services compare.
We have brought together our Sales teams, so you can benefit from having a single Sales contact. This will remain the same after your transition to FedEx Express and you will work with the same Sales representative as before.
If you do not have a Sales representative and have questions, please contact FedEx Express customer service who will be happy to help.
When you move from TNT to FedEx Express, you will need to use the FedEx Express customer service number for matters relating to your FedEx Express shipments or account. Please only contact TNT customer service if you have queries related to your TNT account or TNT shipments.
Please contact FedEx Express customer service hotline for matters concerning your move to FedEx Express account and/or FedEx shipments as well as your queries relating to your TNT account, myTNT shipping tools and/or TNT shipments. This includes queries about your past TNT shipments, claims or invoice queries.
Our local ground operations and courier teams are integrating, and in some places have already integrated. This means you will see both FedEx Express and TNT couriers picking up and/or delivering your FedEx Express shipments. This will remain the same after the transition to your FedEx Express account.
As FedEx Express and TNT continue to integrate, we will gradually move all TNT customers to FedEx Express in phases.
You have been selected to be part of the current phase. With this change, you can enjoy the convenience of shipping through a single platform and benefit from FedEx Express services, such as our money-back guarantee* and tracking tools that provide greater insight into when a package will be delivered.
*Availability of money-back guarantee varies depending on services performed, terms and conditions apply. Visit for full details.
When you activate your FedEx Express account, you will immediately be able to use FedEx Express shipping tools and services. If you currently use a desktop application with TNT, a member of our Customer Technology team will be in touch to discuss the FedEx Express solutions available to you and which application would best suit your business and shipping needs. In the meantime, you can ship with the FedEx Express online shipping tool.
FedEx Express will handle customs declarations on your behalf (unless you advise us otherwise), and FedEx Express terms and conditions of carriage* will apply. For any queries you will need to contact FedEx Express customer services.
If your account is currently managed by a Sales representative then you will continue to work with the same contact.
*The conditions of carriage of the origin country apply to all shipments. The latest version of the FedEx conditions of carriage and any other services-specific terms applicable at any time are available on the local websites of FedEx at
The date that your TNT account will deactivate, along with more information on what will happen next, has been clearly communicated to you in emails and as pop-up messages on myTNT. However, we’ll still use your TNT account number for our financial and clearance systems – that way we can invoice for any duties and taxes on your TNT shipments.
If you have customers that ship using your TNT account number, then you will need to inform them that this account will be deactivating or has been deactivated and you’re now shipping with FedEx Express.
You may continue to receive shipments from TNT if your customers/suppliers use TNT services to send shipments. If it is an international shipment that requires customs clearance, then you will receive an invoice from TNT for duty and taxes. For this reason, your account will remain active in our financial and clearance systems for payment of ancillary charges only. Additionally, pre-printed TNT Air Waybills will no longer be valid.
When you activate your FedEx Express account, you will begin to ship using our systems and your FedEx Express account number. You will then be shipping on FedEx Express terms and conditions*, rates and payment terms.
*Learn more about the FedEx Express terms and conditions here.
As you’ll be shipping with FedEx Express, you will use our paperwork and systems for all future shipments. All your TNT details will be transferred to the FedEx Express shipping tool (apart from your shipping history) and you’ll no longer be able to ship with your TNT account as it will eventually be deactivated.
We will transfer all your shipping data from your TNT account, except your shipping history. This includes your user information, company information, account associations and address book. You will be able to access and download your shipping history from myTNT for 12 months following your move to FedEx Express.
Moving TNT customers to FedEx Express is the next stage of our integration journey. Ultimately, all customers will move across to FedEx Express, however this process will take time and we are doing it in stages to ensure we get it right. Once you become a FedEx Express customer you will have access to all our services, an unparalleled network, exceptional tracking tools and outstanding customer services.
All your TNT contacts will be transferred to your new FedEx Express address book. And with FedEx Express you’ll only have two types of address book – company and user. There is no account level address book like you had with TNT.
That means there may be some duplicate contact details, which you can easily delete by following these steps.
That’s because you may need to import your contacts – follow this quick guide on how to import it using an excel:
- Go to and log in to the account
- Go to ‘Address book’
- Click on the ‘Import/export tab’
Follow these steps:
- Go to and log in to the account
- Go to ‘Shipping Administration’ and on the left, click ‘Users’
- Click ‘Create new’ to create new users
- Log in to your FedEx Express account
- Go to your account and click on 'Address book'
- Select the address book record you want to edit
- Look for the contact details you want to remove and click 'Delete'
Yes, you can only book the 9:00 and 10:00 Express services online. Here is a breakdown of services you’re able to book with a manual air waybill.
Please contact customer service, for guidance on how to fill out the manual air waybill – they’ll be more than happy to help. And bear in mind, FedEx drivers can’t help you fill out the manual air waybill.
Special Services as you know them with TNT are not available with FedEx Express yet. That means you’ll need to book these through TNT for a little while longer.
You can still book Special Services the same way you’re used to with TNT – by calling and providing your account number. Your personalized TNT rates will still be available, and you’ll be invoiced through TNT.