Your FedEx Express international rates have been calculated based on your TNT history. If you continue to ship internationally with TNT after your account has been deactivated, any discounts you may have received will no longer apply and you’ll automatically receive TNT standard rates.
When you move to FedEx Express, the FedEx Express terms and conditions of carriage* will apply to all FedEx Express shipments.
*The conditions of carriage of the origin country apply to all shipments. The latest version of the FedEx conditions of carriage and any other services-specific terms applicable at any time are available on the local websites of FedEx at www.fedex.com.
Your international FedEx Express rates have been calculated based on what you paid and how you shipped with TNT.
You’re a valued customer, and unless otherwise notified, your personalized discounted rates will be applied throughout the calendar year in which you move and start to ship with FedEx Express.
Your FedEx account connects you to possibilities around the world, and you can explore the new opportunities as soon as your account opens. To discuss whether you could be eligible for a bigger discount, you will need to get in touch with your sales representative who will be able to give you more information.
Your personalized discounted rates will be applied automatically, and are available as soon as you start shipping with your FedEx account. You can download your new rates online –view them when you log in to your shipping application or you can go to the rate quote tool.
Now that you are part of FedEx, you have access to our leading services and can start to imagine the new and exciting possibilities that are in-store for your business. You will need to ship using your FedEx account, with your personalized discounted rates – which we have taken into account based on your existing TNT rates.
As a FedEx customer, you can start shipping with us as soon as your FedEx account opens, using your personalized discounted rates which will be comparable to your rates with TNT. Once your TNT account closes, you will no longer be able to ship using myTNT shipping tool.
We’ve brought FedEx and TNT together so you can benefit from our combined network and your personalized discounted rates represent the exciting future we’ll have together.
Please contact your Sales representative if you would like to discuss your rates. If you do not have a Sales representative, then please contact FedEx customer service who will be happy to help you.
Dimensional weight is a calculation of a shipment's weight that’s based on the dimensional weight instead of its actual weight. To obtain a rate quote, you will need to provide shipment dimensions along with the actual weight of your shipment. Please note that if you use FedEx packaging, these are subject to minimum billable weights.