A person placing a FedEx label on a box

Unparalleled Connectivity from Asia to US

Unparalleled Connectivity from Asia to US

Unparalleled Connectivity from Asia to US

Get your shipments across the Pacific with our efficient & extensive FedEx network and services

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Flight efficiencies and extensive network with 83** weekly flights from Asia to the US enables us to provide competitive transit times, stable and consistent flight connectivity

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Homecourt advantage: Established in Memphis, USA in 1973, FedEx has been operating within the country, delivering door-to-door, for nearly five decades

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FedEx can serve parts of the US and US businesses from Asia-Pacific markets by 8am the next business day***

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Access US, Canada and more than 50 Latin American and Caribbean countries and territories

**as of June 2022
***in select US postal codes

A woman smiling with her arms crossed
A woman smiling with her arms crossed
A woman smiling with her arms crossed

New Customer Promotion

Sign up a new FedEx account and enjoy more benefits! Great rewards - FedEx exclusive merchandise, extra My FedEx Rewards welcome point and e-shopping vouchers up to IDR 500.000 - await. Let’s grow your business with us now!

*Terms and conditions apply