Carta Porte - Information to issue the Waybill Supplement

Information to issue the Waybill Supplement

Information to issue the Waybill Supplement

Information to issue the Waybill Supplement










Fill out this form with the additional information for the Waybill Supplement your shipments. This online form must be used for each FedEx waybill (domestic or international) with the information required by current tax regulations.

For additional information, please contact Customer Service.



FedEx Tracking Number (AWB). Ex: 123456789012


Include the 12 or 13 digit Tax ID number (RFC) of the sender of the goods or merchandise being transported. Example: XAXX010101000


Indicate the identification number for tax purposes or tax registration in the country of residence of the sender of the goods or merchandise being transported, when a resident is abroad. International customers should contact their counterparts in Mexico (and vice-versa) to obtain their respective RFC/Tax ID information. If you don’t provide the necessary information, your package may not be delivered. Additionally, as of October 1st, 2022, penalties (e.g., fines) may be applicable as per the current Mexican tax and transportation laws. Example: XEXX010101000


Indicate the code of the country of residence for tax purposes of the recipient of the goods or merchandise, in accordance with the c_Pais” catalog. Ex: MEX


Indicate the 12 or 13 digit tax ID (RFC) of the recipient to whom the goods or merchandise will be delivered. Example: XAXX010101000


Indicate the identification number for tax purposes or tax registration of the country of residence of the recipient of the goods or merchandise being transported, when the resident is abroad. International customers should contact their counterparts in Mexico (and vice-versa) to obtain their respective RFC/Tax ID information. If you don’t provide the necessary information, your package may not be delivered. Additionally, as of October 1st, 2022, penalties (e.g., fines) may be applicable as per the current Mexican tax and transportation laws. Example: XEXX010101000


Indicate the code of the country of residence for tax purposes of the recipient of the goods or merchandise, in accordance with the c_Pais” catalog. Ex: MEX

Origin Address


Indicate the name of the street where the home address of origin of the goods or merchandise being transported is located.


Indicate the state, entity, region, community, or other similar figure where the domicile of the origin of the goods or merchandise being transported is located.


Indicate the code of the country of residence for tax purposes of the recipient of the goods or merchandise, in accordance with the c_Pais” catalog. Ex: MEX


Enter the postal code where the address of the origin of the goods or merchandise being transported is located. If the selected country does not have a postal code, enter five (5) zeros (00000).

Destination Address


Indicate the name of the street where the home address of the destination of the goods or merchandise being transported is located.


Indicate the state, entity, region, community, or other similar figure where the domicile of the destination of the goods or merchandise being transported is located.


Indicate the code of the country of residence for tax purposes of the recipient of the goods or merchandise, in accordance with the c_Pais” catalog. Ex: MEX


Enter the postal code of the address where the goods or merchandise being transported is located. If the selected country does not have a postal code, enter five (5) zeros (00000).


Indicate the total number of goods or merchandise being transported, identified by each node "Mercancia" registered in the complement. Ex: 4


Indicate the product code of the goods or merchandise being transported based on the catalog: catCartaPorte: “c_ClaveProdServCP”. Ex: 60141405


Describe the goods or merchandise being transported.


Indicate the code of the standardized unit of measure applicable for the quantity of the goods or merchandise  being transported. The unit must correspond to the description of the registered goods or merchandise. catCFDI: “c_ClaveUnidadPeso”. Ex: Example: XQA


Indicate whether the goods or merchandise being transported are considered hazardous material.


Indicate the code of the type of hazardous material being transported. Consult: “catCartaPorte:c_MaterialPeligroso”. Ex: M0340


Indicate the code of the type of packaging that is required to transport the hazardous material or waste. Consult: “catCartaPorte: c_TipoEmbalaje”. Ex: 6HA1


Indicate the weight in kilograms of the goods or merchandise that are being transported. Must be a value greater than 0.5 with 1 decimal allowed. Ex: 1.5.


Indicate the amount of the value of the goods or merchandise that are being transported, according to the market value, the purchase price paid (consideration) or the estimated value determined by the taxpayer. Value must be numbers only (with 2 decimals) and no symbols. Ex: 14.50


Indicate the code of the currency used to express the value of the goods or merchandise that are being transported. Please use “MXN” to indicate local currency. Consult: CatCFDI: c_Moneda. Ex: MXN


Indicate the code of the tariff fraction corresponding to the description of the goods or merchandise that are being transported such as import or export. Consult the catalog: “c_FraccionArancelaria”.


Indicate the fiscal folio or UUID of the related foreign trade voucher.