How to create a FDA Prior Notice
How to create a FDA Prior Notice
A confirmation of Prior Notice declaration must accompany any shipment of food or beverages to the USA*.
The Prior Notice declaration must be made:
Before the goods enter the USA (even for small quantities or samples).
No more than 5 days in advance and no less than 4 hours before the arrival of the shipment.
You will need 1 Prior Notice (PN) per product contained in a shipment and also a separate PN for a similar product if it is sent in a different packaging size or if it was produced by different manufacturers.
Upon receipt of the Prior Notice, the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) will issue a confirmation number in the form of a bar code that must accompany most food shipments. Remember that it is also important that you report the confirmation number on your invoice.
Download our step by step guide and follow the steps to easily create your Prior Notice.
Important note: You need to have an FDA account to create your Prior Notice (PN). To create your FDA account you need to go the FDA website: https://www.access.fda.gov
*FDA-regulated human and / or animal food, including but not limited to processed foods: Infant formula (baby food), beverages including alcoholic beverages and bottled water, fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, dietary supplements, dairy products and shell eggs, raw agricultural commodities for use as food or components of food, canned and frozen foods, live food animals, bakery goods, snack foods, candy and chewing gum, animal feed and pet food.
FedEx prohibits the shipment of foodstuffs and foods and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control to any destination, unless expressly agreed otherwise by FedEx.