
Deliver with speed and convenience

Deliver with speed and convenience

Deliver with speed and convenience

Reach the world with FedEx

Global pickup points, door-to-door delivery and speedy services bring your e-commerce business closer to consumers in Europe, North America, Asia and beyond.

worldwide deliveries
worldwide deliveries
worldwide deliveries

Fast deliveries worldwide

With speedy services and retail connections across the world, you can reach key destinations like the US, Canada and parts of Asia quicker than ever.

Ship across Europe
Ship across Europe
Ship across Europe

Easy shipping across Europe

There are thousands of pickup and drop-off points throughout Europe – and with next day delivery, your customers can receive their orders quickly and conveniently.

domestic shipping
domestic shipping
domestic shipping

Smooth domestic shipping

It’s never been easier for your customers to receive their orders in the UK. With next day services, flexible delivery times and 2,500 retail points, they can choose exactly how your products get to them.

Get in touch

Want to learn more about our e-commerce solutions?
Get in touch and see how we can help your business.Â