Gender Equality Index

For years, FedEx has been committed to creating a work environment which allows its employees to fulfil their career goals.

This commitment is shown through the efforts made towards achieving gender equality in the workplace.

In 2024, FedEx Express France scored 89 out of 100 points on the French gender equality index, which includes 5 indicators:

  1. The gender pay gap, calculated by comparing women’s average salary with men’s, by age bracket and occupational category

  2. The gender gap for individual pay raises by occupational category

  3. The gender gap for promotions by occupational category

  4. The percentage of female employees who received a pay raise during the year after they returned from maternity leave, if pay raises were granted while the employee was on leave

  5. The number of employees of the underrepresented gender present among the top ten salary earners.
  Score Maximum score
Pay gap (%) 39 40
Gap for individual pay raises (% points) 20 20
Gap for promotions (% points) 15 15
Percentage who received a pay raise after returning from maternity leave (%) 15 15
Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the top ten salary earners 0
Total 89