How can I pay the duties and taxes?

There are four ways you can pay the duties and taxes to FedEx:

1. Online

You can pay securely online using our payment portal. If we’ve sent you an email or SMS to pay your duties and taxes, you can also use the link in the message to pay — it’s unique to your shipment.

2. FedEx Billing Online

If you’re a regular customer, you can sign up to FedEx Billing Online to receive your invoices electronically.

3. Electronic Bank Transfer

To pay by bank transfer, please use the following details:

Account name: FedEx Express FR SAS
IBAN: FR76 3000 4024 1400 0106 0231 268

IMPORTANT: When completing a bank transfer, make sure you include the invoice number.

4. Direct Debit

To set up a direct debit, please contact Customer Service

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