Spotlight on… India’s wellness-conscious consumers
The Covid-19 pandemic combined with an increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases has sparked a growing trend for health and wellness products in India, as consumers look to de-stress, improve their health and live better. Could your business take advantage?
Average reading time: 5 minutes
Executive summary
India’s consumers see looking after their health as important,
amid concerns about the Covid-19 pandemic and lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
They’re more willing to pay a premium for products that promote a health
benefit than the global average consumer.
Markets for healthy packaged foods and dietary supplements in India are set to grow
by 10% and 15% per year, respectively, in the coming years.
India’s e-commerce market is set for double-digit growth,
and with 74% buying cross-border, it could be an exciting market for European businesses.
India: a snapshot

The forecast increase in consumer spending between 2018 and 20301

By 2030 India is expected to be the third-largest consumer market in the world2

The proportion of households that are predicted to be middle income by 2030, up from 50% today1
The opportunity: India’s health and wellness-conscious consumers
Consumers in India are prioritising their health…

The proportion of Indian consumers who believe having a healthy lifestyle is important3

The proportion of Indian consumers who say having a better work/life balance is an important goal for them3

The proportion of Indians facing some kind of stress4
… which is stimulating market growth for health and wellness products.

The projected size of India’s health and wellness retail market in 20235

The proportion of Indians willing to pay a premium for products that promote health and wellness – compared to a global average of 29%6

The opportunity for small businesses: cross-border e-commerce

This is an exciting market set to grow. E-commerce in India is expanding rapidly – it is predicted to grow a rate of 18% each year to 2025.7 What’s more, Indian consumers are comfortable buying from international businesses: almost three quarters of e-commerce spending is cross-border.8 And with growing populations among young, urban and middleclass consumer groups, this market could present a strong opportunity for growth.
Health and wellness trends in India: categories in focus
The focus on health in India has driven growth in a number of product categories, from packaged foods and dietary supplements to fitness clothing and equipment.
Packaged foods
Foods that have an auxiliary health benefit are popular with Indian consumers, many of which consider their health goals when choosing packaged food products. Features such as aiding weight loss and all-natural ingredients are the most popular attributes that consumers search for. However, many are increasingly looking to their food products for help with other wellness benefits, too. For example, more than 40% of 35-44 year-olds in India are interested in stress-relieving foods.4

The size of India’s health and wellness foods market9

The estimated annual growth rate of the health and wellness foods market9
Top five health attributes consumers want to see in packaged foods:10

All-natural ingredients

No artificial flavours, additives, preservatives or sweeteners

Immune system health


Reduced/low fat

India’s growing population has witnessed an increase in lifestyle diseases. According to a 2020 report, around 20% of its population has high blood pressure, 11% has high cholesterol, 9% has diabetes and 18% has depression.6 This has contributed to the increase in consumers seeking dietary supplements such as vitamins and minerals or herbal supplements – a trend that was driven further by the Covid-19 pandemic.6

The size of the dietary supplements market in India in 20216

The growth rate of the dietary supplements market in India between 2020 and 20216
Dietary supplements market size by segment in 2021:6
Vitamins and minerals
Herbal supplements
Apparel and accessories
The Covid-19 pandemic is not the only health concern for Indian consumers. An increase in lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease has helped to encourage more of them to take an interest in fitness and becoming active.11 That has meant good news for businesses selling activewear, home gym equipment and accessories, and sports equipment.
- The sports apparel market in India reached $499m in 2020 – and is expected to have grown 16% in 202112
- The sports equipment retail sector is set to $5.4bn in 2025, growing at annual rate of 10%13
- India’s sports and fitness goods market, which includes home gym equipment, is set to grow at an annual compound rate of more than 8% until 202611

Three more things to consider

Research local payment preferences
Payment options such as digital wallets and buy now, pay later services are becoming more common among Indian e-commerce consumers. In fact, digital wallets are the leading e-commerce payment method in India, accounting for 45% of transactions.7 It could be worth ensuring that you offer a wide range of payment options.

Consider a mobile-first strategy
According to eMarketer, more than 80% of retail e-commerce dollars will be spent via a mobile device in India in 2022, rising to almost 84% in 2025.14 Consumers in India are already buying 5G-enabled smartphones in preparation for the technology’s rollout and the number of internet users is set to reach 900m by 2025, around 45% more than in 2020.15 What’s more, digitally connected consumers are predicted to be higher spenders.1

Understand trade regulations
It’s a good idea to understand the customs requirements and trade regulations for any market you sell into. When exporting to India, for example, you will need an importerexporter code (IEC), which is a business identification number issued by the country’s Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). You can find out more about how to get an IEC and other customs requirements at DGFT’s website.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this page does not constitute legal, tax, finance, accounting, or trade advice, but is designed to provide general information relating to business and commerce. The FedEx Small Business Hub content, information, and services are not a substitute for obtaining the advice of a competent professional, for example a licensed attorney, law firm, accountant, or financial adviser.
1. How India will consume in 2030: 10 mega trends | World Economic Forum, 2019
2. India: Reaching the consumer | Santander Trade, 2020
3. 3 things Indian consumers are looking for in 2021 | Mintel, 2020
4. Opportunities for brands to help Indian consumers de-stress | Mintel, Jan 2021
5. Retail market value of health and wellness in India between 2014 and 2023 | Statista, 2019
6. The sunrise consumer health and nutrition sector | EY, Feb 2022
7. Global Payments Report 2022 | Worldpay FIS, March 2022
8. E-commerce Payments Trends: India | JP Morgan
9. India acquires a taste for health and wellness | Nielsen, 2019
10. Top Three Food Trends Shaping Demand in Indian Cities | Euromonitor, March 2022
11. Indian Sports and fitness goods markets | Research & Markets
12. India's $498 Million Sports Apparel Markets | Research & Markets, 2021
13. Sports Equipment Retail in India - Market Summary | Research & Markets, 2021
14. Ecommerce in India: Booming growth and low market penetration mean big potential | E-marketer, Feb 2022
15. E-commerce industry in India | India Brand Equity Foundation
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