Welcome to the new FedEx® Reporting
Welcome to the new FedEx® Reporting
Don’t have an account? Register here.
Don’t have an account? Register here.
Don’t have an account? Register here.
Here’s what you’ll find on this page:
Better, faster, easier reporting
Welcome to your new FedEx Reporting tool. Here you’ll have access to the same core capabilities you’re used to. Plus, you’ll get new features and functionality to help you do business even better.
We are giving you early access to try the new FedEx Reporting. It is currently in beta version meaning we are working continuously to make improvements and add new features. For the moment, you can still access the familiar FedEx Reporting Online. We hope you’ll spend some time getting used to the new tool. And please share your thoughts with us via the feedback tab in the application so we can keep improving it to meet your needs.
Welcome to your new FedEx Reporting tool. Here you’ll have access to the same core capabilities you’re used to. Plus, you’ll get new features and functionality to help you do business even better.
We are giving you early access to try the new FedEx Reporting. It is currently in beta version meaning we are working continuously to make improvements and add new features. For the moment, you can still access the familiar FedEx Reporting Online. We hope you’ll spend some time getting used to the new tool. And please share your thoughts with us via the feedback tab in the application so we can keep improving it to meet your needs.
Getting started: What’s new?
Your new FedEx Reporting tool provides simplified, streamlined access to the information you need. You’ll be able to view shipping details, run reports more quickly and easily, and make better-informed business decisions to optimise your shipping spend.
What’s now?
These features are available immediately.
- Get an at-a-glance summary of your shipment trends and charges without having to run a report.
- Drill down into the details to view more granular shipping and billing data.
- Get an at-a-glance summary of your shipment trends and charges without having to run a report.
- Drill down into the details to view more granular shipping and billing data.
- Use filters to customise the information you see and how it appears.
- Set preferences for weight, dimensions, currency, notification settings, roles (shipper or payer), and more.
- Use filters to customise the information you see and how it appears.
- Set preferences for weight, dimensions, currency, notification settings, roles (shipper or payer), and more.
Recurring reports
- Schedule reports to run automatically on the days you specify.
- Receive notifications when reports are ready to view or download.
Recurring reports
- Schedule reports to run automatically on the days you specify.
- Receive notifications when reports are ready to view or download.
What’s next?
In the coming months, you’ll be able to:
- Access additional reports and dashboards.
- Customise detailed reports to include only the information you need.
- Set up account groups to make multi-account reports easy.
- Invite your team members to run reports.
- Create and manage reports in the language you prefer.
- Run reports anytime, anywhere with a mobile-friendly site.
- Use API integration to pull data into your own systems for analysis.
- Access additional reports and dashboards.
- Customise detailed reports to include only the information you need.
- Set up account groups
to make multi-account reports easy. - Invite your team members to run reports.
- Create and manage reports in the language you prefer.
- Run reports anytime, anywhere with a mobile-friendly site.
- Use API integration to pull data into your own systems for analysis.
How to sign up
If you already use FedEx Reporting Online, you don’t need to sign up for the new tool. You can log in using your current credentials. Then follow these steps:
- Before your first login, clear your browser cache and cookies.
- After logging in for the first time, set your preferences and click Save and Continue.
- Select your Account Numbers from the available list.
- Click Save and Finish.
- Explore the new dashboard page.
- Before your first login, clear your browser cache and cookies.
- After logging in for the first time, set your preferences and click Save and Continue.
- Select your Account Numbers from the available list.
- Click Save and Finish.
- Explore the new dashboard page.
Not currently using FedEx Reporting Online? You’ll need to register.
- Start by bookmarking this page.
- Register to use the tool.
- Use your bookmark to return to this page in case you’re directed to the current FedEx Reporting Online.
- Click Get Started at the top to access the new tool.
Not currently using FedEx Reporting Online? You’ll need
to register.
- Start by bookmarking this page.
- Register to use the tool.
- Use your bookmark to return to this page in case you’re directed to the current FedEx Reporting Online.
- Click Get Started at the top to access the new tool.
Frequently asked questions
General questions
FedEx Reporting is a web-based application that enables you to generate, view and download reports concerning the business activity you have with FedEx. FedEx Reporting allows you to check the status of current report requests, schedule weekly and/or monthly reports, and invite other registered users to access your accounts. All data in FedEx Reporting reflects shipments that have been invoiced.
All FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground® data on the shipments that have been invoiced.
The new FedEx reporting tool is in beta version. This means that we’re constantly updating it with new and exciting features, so check back often and share with us your feedback.
The new FedEx Reporting dashboard introduces a new format for the Expense and Volume Summary report. You can see your data at a glance and drill down to get more detail.
Yes, you can still use FedEx Reporting Online. It will be removed from fedex.com in the coming months.
Currently, FedEx Reporting offers the Shipment Detail report for FedEx Express and FedEx Ground. Additional reports will be added periodically.
You can request up to 24 months of data on your dashboard and in your reports—the same as with FedEx Reporting Online.
Additional reports will be available in the future. We’ll be adding new reports (and other features) periodically.
If you’ve never used FedEx Reporting Online, you may need to register for FedEx Reporting. See How to sign up for instructions to register.
Setting preferences allows you to see your dashboard and run reports the way you want. You can set preferences like date and time, weight and dimensions, currency, and more.
Currently, administration options can be set only in FedEx Reporting Online. However, those options are reflected in FedEx Reporting. If you need to adjust them now, visit FedEx Reporting Online. Administration options will be available in the new tool before you know it.
Try clearing your cache and cookies to see if that fixes the problem. If it persists, contact your usual FedEx Sales Representative. Be prepared by having your nine-digit FedEx account number and fedex.com login credentials (user ID) handy when you call.
If you have an issue you can’t solve, reach out to your usual FedEx Sales Representative or contact your local customer service.
Contact your usual FedEx Sales Representative. Be prepared by having your nine-digit FedEx account number and fedex.com login credentials (user ID) handy when you call.
Questions concerning specific invoice- or billing-related data should be directed to us via this link.
FedEx is committed to managing all information associated with your account with the highest standards of information security. All data is encrypted using highly secure protocols. For more information on privacy and security, visit the FedEx Privacy Notice.