Shipment clearance required for private receivers

Shipment clearance required for private receivers

All shipments with any value from outside the EU require customs clearance once the package has arrived in Finland. If you as the receiver have already paid duties and taxes in advance via the sender of the shipments, FedEx will execute the clearance on your behalf and no further actions from your side are required. (There are some exceptions to this rule, e.g. depending on the goods or value, and in these cases FedEx will contact you separately).

If duties and taxes are not already pre-paid, you have two options:

  1. You can declare the shipment yourself once the shipment has arrived in Finland on the Finnish customs website by following their instructions. If you declare your shipment yourself, please remember to choose "FEDEX" as the transportation company.
  2. We can declare your shipment on your behalf for a Disbursement Fee (please follow the link for more information on our Disbursement Fee). If you choose this option, we kindly ask you to fill in the form below.

By submitting the form, you authorize FedEx Express to declare and clear your shipment on your behalf, in your name - and act as your direct representative towards the Finnish Customs authorities.


Deliveries are between 8am to 4pm to the delivery address, if you need support with delivery or information on other delivery options, please contact us.

*All personal data will be handled in accordance with the FedEx Privacy Notice.

Please note that we will return the shipment to origin within five business days if you have not declared the shipment or authorized us to declare it on your behalf.