Customs Documentation Basics for Exporters
Customs documentation basics for exporters
As the exporter, you’re responsible for preparing the customs documentation.
The type of documentation required depends on the type of goods you are exporting, their commercial value and the country/territory of destination.
The most common required export documents are the International Air Waybill (required for all shipments) and the Commercial Invoice (required for most shipments with commercial value and destination outside the European Union).
Expert Tip: Completing all documentation correctly will help you avoid customs delays.
Your role, step by step, in the international shipping process
The role of the exporter

Step 1: The shipper will prepare the customs documentation
If it’s the first time you’re shipping internationally with FedEx: Make sure you have enabled Electronic Trade Documents® (ETD) to upload your documentation electronically. Don’t forget to send us your Power of Attorney (POA) to authorize us to perform customs clearance on your behalf.
If it’s the first time you’re shipping this type of goods: Make sure the goods you’re sending are allowed in the country/territory of destination. Identify the customs documentation that is required based on the destination country/territory and the type of goods being shipped.

Step 2: The shipper will prepare the Air Waybill, schedule a pickup and upload the customs documentation
When preparing your shipment, you need to put a copy of your Air Waybill and three copies of the commercial invoice on the package.
Expert tip: You can save time and paper by uploading your customs documents when using FedEx Ship Manager®.
To upload and transmit your documents electronically (and avoid printing), simply enable ETD within FedEx Ship Manager.

Step 3: The shipper will print Air Waybill, Customs documentation and stick it on your shipment
Have your shipment picked up at your convenience.
The role of FedEx

Step 4: We will take care of Export Customs Clearance
We will guide the shipment through export customs clearance. We will only contact you if there is missing or incomplete paperwork.
Good to Know: It’s rare to encounter any export customs delay.

Step 5: We will take care of your shipment in transit
We will take care of your shipment in transit.

Step 6: We will take care of Import Customs Clearance
We will guide the shipment through import customs clearance.
We will only contact the recipient for the payment of duties & taxes and in the case of missing information (EORI number, Power of Attorney, incomplete product information, etc…).
Expert tip: The recipient needs to respond to any import issues quickly to ensure a timely delivery of the shipment.
The role of the importer

Step 7: You will receive your shipment
The consignee will receive the shipment at the address completed on the Air Waybill.

Step 8: You will need to pay for duties & taxes
Except if agreed differently with you, the consignee will need to pay for duties & taxes advanced by FedEx.
Good to know: Depending on the shipment’s value, the importer may need to pay duties & taxes before he can receive the shipment.
Helpful customs tips
While completing your documentation and preparing your shipment:
- Make sure that the exporter’s and importer’s EORI number (or registration/VAT number for non EU based companies or ID number for private individuals) are clearly stated on the Commercial Invoice
- Include a detailed description of goods in English on the Commercial Invoice
- Include the contact details for both the importer and exporter
- Make sure the information you put on the Commercial Invoice matches the information on the Air Waybill
- Put three copies of the commercial invoice (the original and two copies) on the package
Online FedEx shipping tools guide you through the international shipping process; they allow you to upload all your customs documentation and transmit it electronically.
What is a commercial invoice and why is it needed?
The Commercial Invoice is the primary document used by most foreign customs agencies for import control, valuation and duty determination.
It is the first international shipping document that should be completed as it is the foundation of all other trade documents. The information provided on other international shipping documents, including the Air Waybill or shipping label, must correspond with the Commercial Invoice.
The Commercial Invoice is prepared by the exporter and is required by the importer to prove ownership and arrange for duties & taxes payment.
When is it needed?
The Commercial Invoice is required for all product/commodity (non-document) shipments for international trade.
How can I complete and upload my Commercial Invoice?
When using FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com, you are guided through completion of your customs documentation. You can either upload your own documentation or generate your documentation automatically during the process.
What is an EORI number?
An EORI number is a unique reference assigned by a customs authority to identify economic operators within the European Union. It is needed for all companies and all types of export and import shipments. Since July 1st, 2009, European Union legislation requires that all member states adopt the EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification) system.
Why do you need an EORI number?
The EORI number is a legal requirement and should be included on all custom declarations for import from or export to countries/territories outside the EU. Customs authorities will refuse any entry of goods without an EORI number.
How can you get an EORI number?
An EORI number needs to be granted by the customs authorities of the country/territory where you or your business is based.
Apply for an EORI number in Finland
Important note: The EORI number must be linked to a VAT number.
Who should I contact to update my information?
If your application is being processed, please inform us of your EORI number by emailing vientihuolinta@fedex.com
What is a Power of Attorney?
A Power of Attorney (POA) is a written authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter.
In this case, the POA is the importer’s or exporter’s authorization for FedEx to perform customs clearance on their behalf.
Why is it needed?
Having a POA is a legal requirement and that customs can always request the evidence of the POA.
How can I grant Power of Attorney to FedEx?
Please contact us by email at vientihuolinta@fedex.com. Our colleagues from Clearance team will send you the POA document that is needed to be signed by you.
Here is the list of items prohibited in the FedEx network.
For more information on country/territory specific prohibitions, contact us.
- Human corpses, human organs or body parts, human and animal embryos, or cremated or disinterred human remains.
- Explosives *
- Firearms, weaponry and their parts (acceptable between the U.S. and Puerto Rico).
- Perishable foodstuffs and foods and beverages requiring refrigeration or other environmental control.
- Live animals including insects.
- Plants and plant material, including cut flowers (cut flowers are acceptable from the U.S. to selected points in Canada and from Colombia, Ecuador and the Netherlands to the U.S.).
- Lottery tickets and gambling devices where prohibited by local, state, provincial or national law.
- Money (coins, cash, currency, paper money and negotiable instruments equivalent to cash such as endorsed stocks, bonds and cash letters).
- Pornographic and/or obscene material.
- Shipments** being processed under:
- Duty drawback claims unless advance arrangements are made.
- Temporary Import Bonds - acceptable under the FedEx International Broker Select option, for initial import only.
- U.S. State Department licenses.
- Carnets
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration export permit.
- Letters of Credit. Shipments subject to Letters of Credit are generally prohibited, with the exception of shipments subject to Letters of Credit calling for a "courier receipt," as defined by Article 25 of UCP 600, shipped using the FedEx Expanded Service International Air Waybill.
- Certificate of Registration shipments (CF4455).
- Hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, used hypodermic needles or syringes or other medical waste.
- Shipments that may cause damage to, or delay of, equipment, personnel or other shipments.
- Shipments that require us to obtain any special license or permit for transportation, importation or exportation.
- Shipments or commodities whose carriage, importation or exportation is prohibited by any law, statute or regulation.
- Marijuana, including marijuana intended for recreational or medicinal use, and synthetic cannabinoids.
- Shipments with a declared value for customs in excess of that permitted for a specific destination.
- Dangerous goods except as permitted under the Dangerous Goods section of the Federal Express conditions of carriage.
- Processed or unprocessed dead animals, including insects and pets. Taxidermy-finished hunting trophies or completely processed (dried) specimens of whole animals or parts of animals are acceptable for shipment into the U.S.
- Packages that are wet, leaking or emit an odor of any kind.
- Wildlife products that require U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service export clearance by FedEx prior to exportation from the U.S.
- In-bond shipments destined to or being withdrawn from a Foreign Trade Zone or bonded warehouse, unless the FedEx International Broker Select option is selected for U.S. import shipments, or the FedEx International Controlled Export service option is selected for U.S. export shipments.
- APO/FPO/DPO addresses.
- C.O.D. shipments.
* Class 1.4 explosives are acceptable for carriage to Canada, Germany, France, Japan, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom. Note: United Arab Emirates only allows Class 1.4 explosives to be shipped hold-for-pickup to the FedEx Express facility in Dubai.
** You may be able to ship these items via FedEx International Controlled Export, FedEx International Premium, FedEx International Express Freight (IXF) or FedEx International Airport-to-Airport (ATA). For information on FedEx International Controlled Export, call International Customer Service at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 (say "international services"). For information on the other services listed call FedEx Express Freight Customer Service at 1.800.332.0807.
Complex customs clearance needs? We’ve got answers!
Do you need to designate a specific customs broker?
Our Broker Select option allows you to designate a specific customs broker. Simply select the FedEx International Broker Select® option when preparing your shipment online and indicate the broker's address and telephone number on the
FedEx® International Air Waybill.
To find out more, discover all our ancillary clearance services or get in touch with your FedEx Sales Executive.
Need a customized solution?
You can rely on our customs clearance specialist expertise to help you build the right solutions to your most complex customs needs.
Additional tips and customs resources

Customs for importers
Learn what’s required from a receiver to help ensure shipments arrive without delay.

Document preparation
Everything you need to know about the essential documentation required to satisfy customs authorities.

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