Open an account
Take advantage of our services and solutions designed to meet all of your shipping requirements. Sign up for a FedEx shipping account below. Let’s get started!
Opening an account has its benefits
Personalised rates
Receive discounts based on your shipping volume.
Manage pickup
Complete online scheduling and management of pickups and shipments.
Free supplies
Free FedEx Express packaging and shipping supplies.
Account management
Online account management tools including online billing, and address book, support on custom documents, and more.
Advanced shipping tool
Streamlined shipping with FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com, an online shipping tool built for shippers and shipments of all types and sizes.
Link your account with a credit card.
When you register for a FedEx corporate account and charge your shipping to a credit card, you will receive a 9-digit account number together with fedex.com login details.You're ready to start shipping!
A temporary pre-authorization charge of $1 will appear on your credit card and will be credited within 7-10 days.
I don't want to charge my shipping to a credit card
Click on the button below to complete the FedEx account registration form. One of our Customer Service Representatives will contact you within two - three business days to help you create your 9-digit FedEx account number.
I am opening a personal account.
When you register for a FedEx Personal account and charge your shipping to a credit card*, you will receive a 9-digit account number together with fedex.com login details. You're ready to start shipping!
* Note: Personal Account registration is only allowed with a valid credit card. A temporary pre-authorization charge of $1 will appear on your credit card and will be credited within 7-10 days.