Payment options
Payment options
Payment options
Wire Transfers
Important: When you make bank transfers send an email to cashapps.dom@corp.ds.fedex.com including:
- Proof of payment.
- Number of the cancelled invoices.
- FedEx account number.
- Name of the account holder.
Note: Our FedEx systems can take up to 72 hours for payment to be reflected in your account statement. To request your statement of account contact us at: cashapps.aux@fedex.com
Payment via wire transfer in Dominican Republic with Dominican Pesos (DOP)
Beneficiary Name | Federal Express Dominicana SAS |
Beneficiary Address | Ave. De Los Proceres Esq. Camino Del Oeste, Santo Domingo, 01 |
Beneficiary Bank Name | The Bank of Nova Scotia |
Beneficiary Bank Address | Av 27 de Febrero esq, Winston Churchill, Santo Domingo |
Beneficiary Account Number | 70755000054011 |
Beneficiary Bank Routing Number | 111110038 |
Payment via wire transfer in US Dollar (USD) from abroad:
You are going to need the following information when completing a payment to FedEx via wire transfer from abroad to our local account.
Intermediary bank information
Intermediary Bank Name | JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. |
Intermediary Bank Address | New York, NY, US |
Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code | CHASUS33 |
For Further Credit to
Beneficiary Bank Name | The Bank of Nova Scotia |
Beneficiary Bank Address | Av 27 de Febrero esq, Winston Churchill, Santo Domingo |
Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Code | NOSCDOSD |
Beneficiary Account Number | 70755000054011 |
Beneficiary Name | Federal Express Dominicana SAS |
Beneficiary Address | Ave. De Los Proceres Esq. Camino Del Oeste, Santo Domingo, 01 |
For general questions and claims, please contact laccro@fedex.com