Shipping to Asia Pacific

Shipping to Asia Pacific

Discover direct, customs-cleared services to some of the fastest growing markets in the world.

Discover direct, customs-cleared services to some of the fastest growing markets in the world.

Discover direct, customs-cleared services to some of the fastest growing markets in the world.

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Get 40% off your shipments with the delivery network you can trust.

Open your doors to Asia Pacific

Looking for an end-to-end shipping solution to reach your customers in Asia Pacific? Delight your customers with a wide choice of delivery options, taking advantage of our multiple direct flights to the region each week.1

Check out our services below to choose the ones that suit you.


Offer your customers flexible delivery options with door-to-door, customs cleared, time and day-definite services for packages up to 68 kg.

  Arrive by2
Euro icon    FedEx International Priority® 2-4 business days
Euro icon    FedEx International Economy® 4-6 business days

1 Weekly counts refer to flights to and from Europe. These figures are subject to change without notice.
2 Between major European and Asia Pacific cities, service availability and transit times depend on the shipment’s origin and destination.

Large Shipments

For your heavy or bulky packages from 68 kg to 1,000 kg, get a quote today for the timed option you need.1

  Arrive by2 From
Euro icon    FedEx International Priority® Freight 3 business days Get a quote
Euro icon    FedEx International Economy® Freight 5 business days Get a quote

1 Service availability and transit times depend on selected origin and destination postcodes. FedEx Express terms and conditions of carriage apply - see for full details of services. To access the full range of services, the use of the latest automation shipping tools is required.
2 Between major European and Asia Pacific cities, service availability and transit times depend on the shipment’s origin and destination.

Additional services

Have a shipment that requires extra attention? Check out our bespoke solutions.

1 These are value added services which incurs an additional fee, please check here.
2 Contractual service, FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution® is for FedEx account holders only. Contact our Sales team to discuss service rates and details.


Are you an importer bringing your goods into Europe? Choose from our wide range of delivery options with six daily flights from Asia Pacific to Europe.1

  APAC to Europe2
Euro icon    FedEx International Priority® 2-4 business days
Euro icon    FedEx International Priority® Freight 2-5 business days

1 Weekly counts refer to flights to and from Europe. These figures are subject to change without notice.
2 Between Asia Pacific and major European cities, service availability and transit times depend on the shipment’s origin and destination.

Simple, flexible shipping to Asia Pacific

Connect to your customers with flexible services that give you more choice of delivery times.



Reach key cities across Japan within 48 hours and get extra connectivity with a direct flight every day.*



Get your goods delivered to over 30 countries and territories through our regional AsiaOne Network. Offering overnight deliveries between key Asia Pacific markets and domestic services within China, Australia and Thailand on over 300 weekly intra-Asia flights.

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Online Tools


Give your customers more choice with time definite shipping, plus the option to ship to, redirect, collect or drop off their packages at over 160,000 FedEx locations across Asia Pacific.

*Transit times and international delivery commitments may vary depending on origin and destination. Due to COVID-19, transit times for shipments to different Asia Pacific destinations may be extended further. See our Service News page to get details about service impacts. Use Rate and Transit Times to get a quote for your shipment.

What's Next?

Make the next move for your business in Asia Pacific now. Open an account or ship right away.

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