Retail shopper

Deliver and drop-off to FedEx Locations across the globe

Deliver and drop-off to FedEx Locations across the globe

Deliver and drop-off to FedEx Locations across the globe

Managing your out-of-home deliveries

Our out-of-home deliveries can help you meet growing customer expectations for greater flexibility and convenience1

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Over 360,000 locations worldwide

Your customers can send, pick up or drop off packages at FedEx locations2 across the globe.

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Accessible locations

Shoppers are closer than ever to one of our FedEx locations, making collecting and dropping off packages easy.

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Convenient opening times

Our locations are safe and secure with convenient opening times that offer customers maximum flexibility.

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Over 360,000 locations worldwide

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Accessible locations

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Convenient opening times

Your customers can send, pick up or drop off packages at FedEx locations2 across the globe.

Shoppers are closer than ever to one of our FedEx locations, making collecting and dropping off packages easy.

Our locations are safe and secure with convenient opening times that offer customers maximum flexibility.

Customers not at home?

Make sure deliveries fit around your European shoppers’ schedules with the option to redirect their package to a FedEx location.1
Just follow these four simple steps.

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Let your recipient redirect their package

Number 1
Number 1
Number 1

You select ‘notify recipient’ in Shipment Notifications in your shipping tool

Number 2
Number 2
Number 2

Your customer is notified by email/SMS about the estimated delivery

Number 3
Number 3
Number 3

They log into FedEx Delivery Manager® to redirect their shipment from its original address to a pick-up point nearby1

Number 4
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Number 4

Your customer picks up the package at their convenience4

Drop-off packages in Europe

You can drop-off or return a parcel. Choose from hundreds of FedEx locations nationwide. Both domestic and international shipments are accepted.


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Number 1
Number 1
Number 1

Pack and seal your package
Tape all the package seams securely. The package should weigh 20kg or less, and Max. dimensions are 44 cm x 61 cm x 37 cm. Get tips on packing.

Number 2
Number 2
Number 2

Attach your shipping label
Easily create a label online. If you already have a label, you’re good to go. Attach the label on the biggest surface of the package and try not to put it across any seams or edges.

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Number 3

Validate that your package is suitable for drop-off
Depending on the size and weight, content of the shipment or possible documentation required, it’s best to check if your package will be accepted.

Number 4
Number 4
Number 4

Drop-off at a location near you
Take your package and drop off at a location partnering with FedEx or an available FedEx Station. Choose from the map.

Additional resources to boost your e-commerce

woman with package
woman with package
woman with package

Provide an easy returns process

Shoppers can leave their pre-labelled returns and initiate outbound shipments at one of our conveniently located drop-off points worldwide.1

woman with laptop
woman with laptop
woman with laptop

Reach more online customers

Take your online business to the next level with fast, flexible e-commerce solutions.

woman with package
woman with package
woman with package

Provide an easy returns process

Shoppers can leave their pre-labelled returns and initiate outbound shipments at one of our conveniently located drop-off points worldwide.1

woman with laptop
woman with laptop
woman with laptop

Reach more online customers

Take your online business to the next level with fast, flexible e-commerce solutions.

Find out more about our FedEx locations

1Availability of services referred to may vary depending on origin and destination. FedEx Express Terms and Conditions of Carriage apply. 

2Certain FedEx locations are operated by independent third parties in cooperation with FedEx.

3In Europe the option to ship direct to a FedEx location is currently only available in Italy and Poland. 

4Packages held at the location between 2-14 days depending on country outside Europe.

5Automatic redirect service is only available in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.