Legal Notice

Provider of

FedEx Express Deutschland GmbH
Registered office: Köln
Local Court: Köln, HRB 94856
VAT ID no.: DE 319 388 258
Represented by the Managing Directors: Stefan Dries, Sven Kische, Charlotte Laureyssens, Julian Resla
Address: Haberstr. 2, 53842 Troisdorf


You can find more contact information in the Help Center:

Supervisory Authorities

Stadt Essen – Amt für Straßen und Verkehr, service.essen
Federal Aviation Authority - Luftfahrt-Bundesamt, Herrmann-Blenk-Straße 26, 38108 Braunschweig, Germany,

Data Protection

You can find our privacy notice here:

Information on Online-Settlement of Disputes for Consumers („Verbraucher“):

The EU-Commission provides consumers with an internet platform for extra-judicial settlement of disputes resulting from online purchase/service contracts (so-called OS-platform). This platform can be reached under the following link:

In case a consumer (sender or recipient) calls upon a consumer conciliation board („Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle“) in order to settle a dispute over rights and obligations related to loss, theft or damage of a shipment, or in case of infringement of own rights based on a legal ordinance pursuant to sec. 18 PostG, FedEx will take part in such a dispute settlement procedure in compliance with statutory obligations, provided a prior agreement with FedEx has not been possible. The competent consumer conciliation board is:

Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency)
Tulpenfeld 4
53113 Bonn

Other than that, FedEx does not participate in any dispute settlement procedure pursuant to VSBG.