Executive summary
Many businesses plan to grow in 2023 by expanding into new markets, despite difficult economic conditions. .
The expanding middle classes in emerging markets (especially Asia) are creating a huge pool of potential consumers.
Building a global customer base can help future-proof your business and enable you to ride out rocky economic conditions in individual markets.
Diversifying supply chains and taking advantage of the lower cost potential of emerging markets can also help accelerate growth.

With economies in western markets struggling to achieve substantial growth, and consumers feeling the impact of rising costs, many businesses are looking further afield to find profitable areas to expand into. Emerging markets – many of which have seen a rapid expansion in consumer classes – could represent an important opportunity to explore.
Business expansion + emerging markets
of global mid-market businesses (those with a turnover of $10m-$500m) expect to grow in 20231
of them plan to expand in international markets in 20232
middle-class consumers live in Asia, out of 4 billion worldwide3
$22 trn
of new wealth is predicted to be generated by Asia between 2020 and 20254
The emerging consumer class

Consumer class has been growing throughout the world – by more than 4% per year since 2000 5
Until the beginning of this century, the middle classes – large swathes of the population with disposable income – existed almost entirely in the west. But while that consumer class has been growing throughout the world – by more than 4% per year since 20005 – it’s in Asia where the growth has been most pronounced.
It’s been home to half of the world’s global consumer class since 2016,6 and spending there now exceeds that of North America and Europe combined.7
The e-commerce opportunity

The IMF predicts that emerging markets will grow at more than twice the speed of developed markets in 2023.8 So, now could be a great time to take advantage – particularly as many consumers are willing to spend money on foreign brands. In India, for example, almost three-quarters of e-commerce spending is on cross-border purchases.9.
Expanding your e-commerce offering into emerging markets not only enables you to reach more customers and harness their growing spending power. It also gives you the protection that diversification provides, and at a relatively low level of financial risk compared to establishing a physical presence in the market.
Diversifying supply chains

Emerging markets don’t just represent an opportunity to sell into. Depending on your business, exploring supply options in emerging markets could offer you a stronger platform for growth.
Research shows that in 2023, many businesses are prioritizing resilience over short-term profitability.10 Exploring supply options in emerging markets could help to achieve this.
That’s partly because diversification itself adds resilience – the more locations you source from, the more you spread the risk. And if you currently have production in a country or region that feels politically unstable, there are a number of emerging market countries that could offer strong alternatives.11
There can also be cost advantages in emerging markets. This could give you more financial flexibility – especially if you’re expanding sales to these markets too, as putting production closer to the consumer could enable you to save on transportation costs as well as ease tariff burdens and increase the efficiency of your supply chain.12
"The IMF predicts that emerging markets will grow at more than twice the speed of developed markets in 2023 "
Cross-border considerations
Local lifestyles
As well as being sensitive to these countries’ cultures, consider the lifestyle trends that are shaping their needs. For example, single-person households are becoming increasingly common in APAC, with one in five consumers predicted to live alone by 2040 – so bear in mind the kind of goods a single household may be looking for when exploring that market.13
Payment trends
Different countries prefer to pay in different ways. 58% of transactions in Indonesia are carried out on a mobile device,14 while just 35% of people in Israel prefer to make online purchases this way.15 Stay up to date with new technologies like Buy Now Pay Later, which may be more popular in some markets than others.
Influencers and influence
Research local influencers for a flavour of what kind of content goes down well and consider a collaboration to help you launch and find customers in a new market16
Changing regulations
In these fast-moving markets, the landscape may change more regularly than you’d expect, so make sure you’re aware of any new rules and regulations you need to follow.17
Disclaimer: The information provided on this page does not constitute legal, tax, finance, accounting, or trade advice, but is designed to provide general information relating to business and commerce. The FedEx Small Business Hub content, information, and services are not a substitute for obtaining the advice of a competent professional, for example (but not limited to) a licensed attorney, law firm, accountant, or financial adviser.
1 Businesses determined to grow despite headwinds | HSBC, 2022
2 Businesses determined to grow despite headwinds | HSBC, 2022
3 Which will be the top 30 consumer markets of this decade? 5 Asian markets below the radar | Brookings, 2021
4 Emerging markets could hold the key to growth in the face of macroeconomic storms | World Economic Forum, 2023
5 Which will be the top 30 consumer markets of this decade? 5 Asian markets below the radar | Brookings, 2021
6 Which will be the top 30 consumer markets of this decade? 5 Asian markets below the radar | Brookings, 2021
7 Emerging markets could hold the key to growth in the face of macroeconomic storms | World Economic Forum, 2023
8 Emerging markets could hold the key to growth in the face of macroeconomic storms | World Economic Forum, 2023
9 Insight into India – a guide for cross-border ecommerce brands | ESW, 2021
10 Trade in Transition| Global Impact, 2023
11 Can thinking local fix global supply chains? | Morgan Stanley, July 2022
12 Should you move manufacturing closer to your customers? | Arena
13 Half the world’s new single person households to emerge in Asia Pacific | Euromonitor, August 2020
14 2020 e-commerce payments trends report: Indonesia | JPMorgan
15 Consumer Insights & Digital Strategies for the 2021 Holiday Shopping Season | Outbrain
16 SMEs turn to social media influencers for business boost | Jakarta Post, February 2021
17 Why Indonesia could be your next big e-commerce market | FedEx
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