FedEx International Priority® Express Shipping

FedEx International Priority® Express Shipping

FedEx International Priority® Express Shipping

FedEx International Priority® Express Shipping

Premium door-to-door international parcel delivery and customs clearance service that takes your goods across the world, fast.

Premium door-to-door international parcel delivery and customs clearance service that takes your goods across the world, fast.

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How long does Express shipping take?

  • Typically, 1-3 business days1

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Delivery days

  • All business days, Monday through Friday
  • Saturday delivery is available for countries where that’s a regular business day

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Parcel size & weight

  • Maximum parcel dimensions: 274 cm in length and 330 cm in length and girth* combined
  • Maximum weight per parcel: 68 kg
  • Multi-piece shipments are accepted

    * Girth = 2 x height + 2 x width.

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Shipping dangerous goods or dry ice will not be possible if you are using our legacy shipping tools (versions below 2020 or old version of FedEx Ship Manager®)

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Global shipping coverage

This service is available from more than 220 countries and territories to 33 destination countries and territories worldwide*.

Map of International Priority Express coverage
Map of International Priority Express coverage
Map of International Priority Express coverage

Destinations in Europe:

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

Destinations worldwide:

Australia, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Republic of China*, Hong Kong SAR, Japan*, Mexico, Singapore, Thailand, Puerto Rico, United States.

* China and Japan are only available as destinations from the United States, Canada and countries in LAC.

International Priority Express shipping service features


What's Next

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Open an account

Ship instantly and enjoy discounts by opening a FedEx account.

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Start shipping

Already have a FedEx account? Then jump right in and start shipping.

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Open an account

Ship instantly and enjoy discounts by opening a FedEx account.

1 Transit times and delivery commitments may vary depending on the origin and destination of your shipment. Please contact our Customer Service for more details.

2 Please contact our Customer Service to learn about any country-specific restrictions and requirements applicable to your shipment. Next day is not available to Australia, Iceland, Singapore and Thailand.