Dangerous goods
Ship dangerous goods safely
Dangerous goods are more than just hazardous chemicals – they are any item that can cause harm if not handled properly. Are you shipping dangerous goods? Check the different classifications, regulations and packing specifications.

Dangerous goods are any item or substance which, if not handled or packed...

If you're shipping anything classified as dangerous goods, it's vital you...

How to ship Biological Substances, Category B
Biological substances need to be packed in a way that prevents loss of contents...

How to ship lithium batteries contained in equipment
These type of batteries are built into devices like laptops, smartphones and...

How to prepare the shipper's declaration for dangerous goods?
The shipper’s declaration is a key document required for sending dangerous...

How to mark and label dangerous goods shipments
Labeling and marking dangerous goods shipments correctly not...
How to ship Limited Quantities by Road
Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantities by Road need to be packed in a way...