Saudi Arabia – Certificate of Conformity (CoC) Requirement

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Program Plan

Effective April 1 2009, the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Program Plan requires brand owners, first importers, franchisors, and assemblers all categorized as “stewards” to pay fees for electrical and electronic equipment supplied to Ontario. All Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) “stewards” will be required to register and report on the type and quantity of EEE they supplied into the Ontario marketplace. FedEx as a broker/carrier will not be collecting these fees or remitting them. Each importer needs to remit or designate a remitter.

OES is a non-profit organization formed by leading retail, information technology and consumer electronic companies to implement the WEEE plan under the Waste Diversion Act. Collected fees will be used by OES to operate the WEEE program.

The Phase 1 Plan will have fees collected on desktop and portable computers, computer peripherals, monitors, printers, fax machines and televisions. A plan for second phase materials will include commodities such as phones, cameras and audiovisual equipment, will follow 12 months after approval of the first phase.

Many electronic products do contain materials such as lead, cadmium and mercury, that if not handled properly could have environmental impacts and cause health and safety concerns. The safe handling and proper management of WEEE at the end of its life is crucial. The Minister of the Environment designated WEEE for a special diversion program to ensure that unwanted electronics are reused or recycled, and to stem the flow of these materials to landfill or improper processing in developing nations.

First Importer definition:
A Person Resident in Ontario who is not a brand owner for a specific electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) that imports such EEE into Ontario, and includes a Person Resident in Ontario who is the first to take title or delivery or possession to such EEE, upon or after arrival in Ontario from elsewhere during the data period.

The steward needs to designate a remitter or an entity to collect and pay steward fees (based on the schedule/commodity) fees. OES will be charging GST on fees to stewards obligated for EEE under the WEEE program upon the start of the program. PST does not apply. A fee of $165.00 per remittance will be charged against the steward. Penalties will be paid if not paid by the due date.

Table of Fees: 12 months
post-Commencement EEE Material

EEE Sub-Category Material
Fee Rate
Desktop Computers
  $13.44/ unit
Portable Computers
  $2.14/ unit
Computer Peripherals



Single Hard drives

Optical Drives

$0.32/ unit
  $12.03/ unit

18" screen and smaller

19" to 29" screen

30" to 45" screen

46" screen and larger

$10.07/ unit
Printing Devices
  $5.05/ unit

There is an application process for both a remitter and a steward. The links are as follows:

Other links:
OES Web site: 
RPRA Web site: