Tracking Labels on Children's Products
Effective August 14, 2009, section 103(a) of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) will require the placement of permanent, distinguishing marks on children's products and packaging. The purpose of the labeling is two-fold:
- For the manufacturer to determine the location and date of production of the product, cohort information (including the batch, run number, or other identifying characteristic), and any other information to determine the specific source of the product
- Allow the ultimate purchaser to determine the manufacturer or private labeler, location and date of production of the product, and cohort information (including batch, run number, or other identifying characteristic)
The new law requires manufacturers to have a tracking label or other distinguishing permanent mark on any consumer product designed or primarily intended for children twelve years of age or younger.
The tracking label must contain the following information:
- Source of the product (manufacturer or private labeler)
- Location and date of production of the product
- More detailed information on the manufacturing process, such as a batch, run number, or other identifying characteristic of the product
The tracking label requirement applies to all children's products, including, but not limited to; clothing, shoes, toys, and other regulated products manufactured on or after August 14, 2009.
For more information please visit the following links:
Web site of Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA)
Summary of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, "Section 103: Tracking Labels for Children's Products”