Goods Subject to NRCAN Regulations
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Regulations
for Certain Energy-Using Products
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) prohibits the importation of certain energy-using products unless they meet specific requirements. Dealers (i.e., manufacturers and importers who import goods for sale or lease, as well as sellers and lessors) who import regulated energy-using products into Canada must include the following import-reporting information on the Customs invoice.
- Name of the product (e.g., external power supply, incandescent reflector lamp, digital TV adaptor, etc.);
- Model number of the product;
- Brand name, if any, of the product;
- Address of the dealer (importing the product); and
- Purpose of the importation.
- For sale or lease in Canada without modification;
- For sale or lease in Canada after being modified to comply with the prescribed energy efficiency standard; or
- For use as a component in a product being exported from Canada
These regulations apply to any regulated energy-using product, even if it is shipped as part of a larger machine.
Amendments to the Energy Efficiency Regulations are ongoing. As per Amendment 14, parts of which came into effect on October 31, 2018, the five commodities listed below will not be considered regulated energy-using products and will not require the aforementioned import-reporting information if they are incorporated in another end-use product at the time of importation.
- a battery charger;
- an external power supply;
- a fluorescent lamp ballast;
- an electric motor; and
- a small electric motor
In conjunction with this change, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) removed the Harmonized System (HS) codes for the five products above from the HS code lists they provide on their website to target NRCan regulated commodities. For more information, please see Customs Notice 18-18.
Important Information
Please note that personal importations are exempt from these regulations. Refer to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations or the Forward Regulatory Plan 2018-2020 for additional details.
Click here for a list of the ongoing amendments with associated energy-using products.