Hong Kong – Export Policy Changes

Hong Kong – Export Policy Changes







On July 7, 2020, Global Affairs Canada (GAC) issued ‘Notice to Exporters No. 1003’ to announce export policy changes for certain goods destined to Hong Kong.


What goods are impacted?

The Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs announced that effective July 3, 2020, “Canada will treat exports of sensitive goods to Hong Kong in the same way as those destined for China. Canada will not permit the export of sensitive military items to Hong Kong.”

In accordance with the new export policy, GAC will closely monitor all export permit applications for goods destined to Hong Kong.  Prolonged permit processing times may occur and all applications that are inconsistent with Canada’s security interests, domestic and international legal obligations, and foreign policy, will be denied.

All goods that currently require an export permit are listed in Canada’s Export Control List, as stated under the Export and Import Permits Act.

As the situation continues to evolve, GAC may reassess the changes made to the export policy for Hong Kong and will provide exporters with updates in the event of any new developments.

Please contact the ‘Export Controls Division’ of GAC for additional information: 

Call: 613.996.2387
Email:  ie.reception@international.gc.ca


Additional Information

Export and Import Permits Act

GAC – Export permits and export controls