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CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Program

Registration is mandatory.

Registration is mandatory.

Registration is mandatory.

CBSA News Release (February 28, 2025)

Submit Financial Security Before the April 19, 2025 Deadline
The Release Prior to Payment (RPP) transition period ends on April 19, 2025. You must post your own financial security
in the CARM Client Portal (CCP) before the deadline.

Take action now to help prevent delays!

CARM affects all commercial goods entering Canada.


What is CARM?

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Program has transformed how the CBSA manages the import of commercial goods into Canada, including the requirement for importers to create a CARM Client Portal (CCP) account.


Who is affected?

Businesses importing commercial goods into Canada. Whether you’re a small business or large corporation, importing a little or a lot, CARM will impact you.


When is CARM Release 3?

CARM went into effect October 2024, so it’s  imperative to take the necessary steps now to help ensure your FedEx shipments aren’t delayed at the border.

Understanding CARM: A guide for commercial importers

Here are some of the key points for both resident and non-resident importers.

If you’re a commercial importer (i.e., import commercial goods into Canada), you will need to obtain a valid Canadian Business Number and Import-Export program account (RM), as well as comply with all CARM requirements.

What are commercial goods?
 These are goods imported for sale or for business, industrial, commercial, occupational, or other similar uses. Casual/non-commercial goods (i.e., for personal use/consumption) are considered commercial goods when they are released and accounted for with the CBSA, by or on behalf of a commercial entity as the importer of record (resident or non-resident).

Note: The importer of record is the party identified on the customs declaration, when imported goods are released and accounted for with Canada Customs. Commercial entities are identified by citing their Canadian Business Number (BN).

CCP Registration

Creating a CARM Client Portal (CCP) business account will be required to import goods into Canada and enable businesses to transact directly with the CBSA. Learn more about CCP registration.

Delegation of Authority

Importers must grant approval to their third-party service providers (e.g., customs brokers like FedEx) to enable them to continue managing their commercial importation activities via the CCP. Learn more about delegation of authority.

Post financial security to obtain Release Prior to Payment (RPP)

Beginning on April 19, 2025, all commercial importers are required to post their own financial security (e.g., surety bond or cash deposit) to enrol and benefit from the RPP program. This enables customs broker(s) to maintain the current process of obtaining the electronic release on their behalf. Learn more about posting financial security.

Payment of import duties and taxes with the CBSA

Importers who want to pay the CBSA directly must inform FedEx Express or FedEx Trade Networks beforehand. Learn more about payment of import duties and taxes.

Exceptions to CARM

Individuals who import casual/non-commercial goods (not for sale or for business, industrial, commercial, occupational, or other similar uses) as the importer of record, will not be subject to the aforementioned requirements.

Additional information

Download important CARM resources

FedEx Express CARM Infographic

Explore our infographic that provides step-by-step guidance for navigating CARM.

CBSA CARM Onboarding Toolkit

Access a 3-page document featuring a user-friendly flowchart to help you with the CARM process.

Release dates & features

CARM will be implemented in two stages:

Get help with CARM

Visit Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a FedEx Express or FedEx Trade Networks customer, you can review the FAQs to find answers to many CARM-related questions.

Talk to a FedEx Expert

Whether you are a FedEx Express or FedEx Trade Networks customer, you can reach out to a specialist about your CARM-related questions.

Contact the CBSA

For questions about CARM and for assistance in complying with CARM requirements, please contact the CBSA through the form or call 1.800.461.9999.