Delivering FedEx packages to home

FedEx® Delivery Signature Options

Tailor your customer’s shipments with FedEx® Delivery Signature Options and deliver a positive customer experience every time.

Tailor your customer’s shipments with FedEx® Delivery Signature Options and deliver a positive customer experience every time.

Tailor your customer’s shipments with FedEx® Delivery Signature Options and deliver a positive customer experience every time.

Signature Required Process Changes

As we continue to support the global supply chain, we’re committed to keeping customers, team members and your packages safe. Starting April 18, 2022, we will begin the process of reinstating our physical signature requirements for paid, premium signature requirements and commercial deliveries* across Canada. This will apply for the following signature types: 

  • Adult Signature Required (ASR) 
  • Direct Signature Required (DSR)
  • Indirect Signature Required (ISR)

The reinstatement of signature requirements applies to shipments delivered by FedEx Express®, FedEx Ground®, FedEx Freight®** and FedEx retail locations.

*If a signature service option is not selected by the shipper, and the recipient at a commercial delivery location refuses to sign for a shipment, the driver may enter the recipient’s first initial and last name and write “C-19” in place of the recipient’s signature.

**If the recipient at a commercial or residential delivery location refuses to sign for a FedEx Freight shipment, the driver may enter the recipient’s first initial and last name and write “C-19” in place of the recipient’s signature.

Cater to your customers’ unique delivery needs.

You can designate specific delivery signature options for your FedEx Express and
FedEx Ground shipments — offering you and your customers more control and extra
peace of mind. You can choose from four different signature options.*

Courier with FedEx packages
Courier with FedEx packages
Courier with FedEx packages

No signature required (NSR)

FedEx may release the package without anyone present and provide a photo of the final delivery when it’s left at the door.1, 2

FedEx courier delivering packages
FedEx courier delivering packages
FedEx courier delivering packages

Direct signature required (DSR)

Someone at the recipient’s address may sign for the delivery. If no one is at the address, FedEx may reattempt the delivery.1

FedEx Delivery to business
FedEx Delivery to business
FedEx Delivery to business

Indirect signature required (ISR)

FedEx may release the package in any of these three ways:

  • Obtaining a signature from someone at the delivery address
  • Acquiring a signature from a neighbour, building manager, or other person at a neighbouring address
  • Where available, gaining authorization from the recipient to release the package without anyone present and provide a photo of the final delivery when it’s left at a residential address.1, 2

​FedEx delivering adult signature required package
​FedEx delivering adult signature required package
​FedEx delivering adult signature required package

Adult signature required (ASR)

FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address who is at least the age of majority in the destination country. Government-issued photo identification or other identification customarily accepted by local authorities is required. For Canadian deliveries, the recipient must be 19 years of age and present government issued photo identification.1

1 This option may not be available for every shipment or destination. Special handling fees may apply. See the FedEx Service Guide for more information.
2 A photo of the delivery may not be available for every shipment or destination.

Frequently Asked Questions