FedEx Careers

FedEx Administration Tools

Whether you oversee dozens or thousands of potential shippers, FedEx Administration helps coordinate, synchronize and streamline your day-to-day.

Whether you oversee dozens or thousands of potential shippers, FedEx Administration helps coordinate, synchronize and streamline your day-to-day.

Whether you oversee dozens or thousands of potential shippers, FedEx Administration helps coordinate, synchronize and streamline your day-to-day.

Efficiency Starts Here

Purpose-built for shipping administrators, FedEx Administration gives you all the power and convenience you’ve come to expect from FedEx, plus a streamlined interface, intuitive controls and purposeful features designed with one person in mind - you.

There’s no substitute for the right tools

FedEx Administration gives you all the capabilities you need to administer an entire shipping department, no matter its size. And everything’s packaged in a responsive interface that adapts to your workflow and screen size — it’s built by professionals, for professionals. When opening a new FedEx account online, your account will be automatically enabled for FedEx Administration.

  • Multiple administrator contacts
  • Visibility of multiple users and their roles
  • Ability to change user alias
  • Robust account management options

  • Boolean search capability
  • Increased user status visibility
  • Sizeable import and export limits
  • Privileges, permissions and preferences at multiple levels

Frequently Asked Questions