e-commerce on computer

Choose an E‑commerce Platform

What is an E-commerce Platform?

For e-commerce business owners, online marketplaces make it easy to begin selling and are a good place to start. But eventually, most business owners find they need more flexibility and control to shape their brand and serve their customers. This is where e-commerce platforms come in and form the foundation of your online store.

For e-commerce business owners, online marketplaces make it easy to begin selling and are a good place to start. But eventually, most business owners find they need more flexibility and control to shape their brand and serve their customers. This is where e-commerce platforms come in and form the foundation of your online store.

Why do you need an e-commerce platform?

An e-commerce platform can take your sales — and your brand presence — to the next level. It's as vital to your growth strategy as having the right products and reaching the right customers. The right platform can make the entire purchasing process — from order to arrival — seamless and stress-free for you and your customers.

couple high fiving and packing FedEx boxes
couple high fiving and packing FedEx boxes
couple high fiving and packing FedEx boxes

How to Choose an E-commerce Platform

Checkout Flow Considerations

A user-friendly checkout experience is vital to your business' success. A streamlined flow that expedites the purchase process and is easy to understand will set you apart from your competition.

A user-friendly checkout experience is vital to your business' success. A streamlined flow that expedites the purchase process and is easy to understand will set you apart from your competition.

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Clean User Interface

Develop a clean and structured user interface to keep your customers engaged, less likely to abandon their cart, and more likely to return. 

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Cost Transparency

Display a breakdown of the costs in the checkout flow clearly and accurately to build trust with your customers.

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Advertise Trusted Providers

Use logos, badges or other media to highlight the reliability of your security and shipping providers. 

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Additional Help

Ensure your 'Help' section is easily accessible if your customers experience challenges during the purchasing process.

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Progress Tracking

Create a progress bar to help your customers easily identify where they are in the checkout flow.

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Payment Details

Payment confirmation and cart details are critical for customers’ understanding of transactions.

Plan Your Shipping Strategy