How do I register for FedEx Billing Online?

Visit to register for FedEx Billing Online. If you already have a User ID and Password, click 'Login', enter your ID and Password, and follow instructions on screen to register. If you don't currently have a login, click "Register". Download the Registration Guide for step by step instructions.*

The first user who registers an account for FedEx Billing Online will be the FedEx Billing Online Administrator by default. When registering, please provide all requested company and contact information, and if necessary, two recent FedEx invoice numbers issued within the last 60 days. If you do not have two recent invoice numbers, please contact FedEx Customer Service at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 for account verification.

* You will need Internet access and a web browser. Please ensure that you are using the most recent version of the web browser and that it has the latest security updates.

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