My FedEx Rewards

FedEx Rewards

FedEx Rewards

FedEx Rewards

Become a member and earn points for your eligible FedEx shipments. You choose how you'd like to be rewarded.


Become a member and earn points for your eligible FedEx shipments. You choose how you'd like to be rewarded.


Become a member and earn points for your eligible FedEx shipments. You choose how you'd like to be rewarded.


FedEx Rewards Members’ Confirmation

Congratulations, your registration is complete.
You will receive a confirmation email shortly.

Your FedEx Rewards account is now live. Log on today to see what rewards awaits you.

Additional Resources

Connecting people and possibilities

Every day, all over the globe, our connections enable possibilities for people, communities, small businesses and global enterprises.

Custom Tools

Every commodity is different – and so is every market. Learn how FedEx can help move your shipments across borders and into your customer’s hands. 

Expand your market presence

The Business Insights Hub helps you gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Get the latest trends and inspirations to grow your business.
