Western Union drop

More drop-off points for your
international shipments

With the aim of being closer to you, we have formed an alliance with Western Union, thanks to which you will have new locations to drop off your FedEx documents and/or packages destined for over 220 countries worldwide.


If you are a FedEx account holder, you can drop off the following shipments:

  • Envelopes with non-commercial documents weighing up to 0.5 kg.
  • Packages weighing from 1 to 50 kg per piece.

If you do not have an account, you can also send and pay directly the following shipments:

  • Envelopes with non-commercial documents weighing up to 0.5 kg
  • Packages weighing from 1 to 50 kg per piece (only locations with )

The Western Union locations that are already authorized to receive your FedEx shipments are:

  • Montevideo # 843 Localidad Recoleta, Buenos Aires C.P: 1019 
  • Alsina # 66 Quilmes, Buenos Aires C.P. 1878
  • Calle 49 # 689 Entre 8 Y 9, La Plata, Buenos Aires C.P. 1900 
  • Mariano Moreno # 22, Ramos Mejia, Buenos Aires C.P.1704 
  • Av. Tomás Marquez # 1238, Pilar, Buenos Aires C.P.1629 
  • Sarmiento # 1025, San Miguel, Buenos Aires C.P.1663 
  • Hipólito Yrigoyen # 8945, Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires C.P. 1832 
  • Av. Santamarina # 136, Monte Grande, Buenos Aires C.P.1842 
  • San Martin # 715, Lujan, Buenos Aires C.P. 6700 
  • 11 De Septiembre # 632, Pilar, Buenos Aires C.P. 1629 
  • Arana # 135, Monte Grande, Buenos Aires C.P.1842 
  • Dean Funes # 3, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba C.P. 5800 
  • Av. Del Libertador Gral. San Martin # 879 Local 1, Alta Gracia, Cordoba C.P. 5186 
  • Buenos Aires # 505, Córdoba C.P: 5000 
  • Mariano Fragueiro # 1850 Local 2, Córdoba C.P: 5000 
  • Ramón José Cárcano # 192 Local 5, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba C.P: 5152 
  • 25 de Mayo #2480, Santa Fé C.P: 3000 
  • Sarmiento # 161, Rafaela, Santa Fé C.P: 2300 
  • Chile # 80, San Rafael, Mendoza C.P: 5600 
  • Montevideo # 47, Mendoza C.P: 5500 
  • San Martín # 3160, Mar del Plata C.P: 7600 
  • 25 de Junio #10, Paraná, Entre Ríos C.P: 3100 
  • General Mariano Acha Sur # 342, San Juan C.P: 5400 

More locations will be open soon.

For more information, call our Customer Service Center at 0.810.DE.FEDEX or 0.810.3333339.