My FedEx Rewards
My FedEx Rewards
Become a member and earn points for your eligible FedEx shipments. You choose how you'd like to be rewarded.
Become a member and earn points for your eligible FedEx shipments. You choose how you'd like to be rewarded.
Become a member and earn points for your eligible FedEx shipments. You choose how you'd like to be rewarded.
My FedEx Rewards Members’ Confirmation
Congratulations, your registration is complete.
You will receive a confirmation email shortly.
Your My FedEx Rewards account is now live. Log on today to see what rewards awaits you.
Additional Resources
New to FedEx?
Our New Customer Center guides you through all the necessary steps when shipping with FedEx.
Small business center
Whether you're starting or expanding your business, you need the right shipping tools and services for the next step.
Customs made easier
Shipping across borders? FedEx helps you throughout the process step by step.