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Sign up now and save up to 50%* on your shipping rates!

Take advantage of our many services and solutions designed to meet your shipping needs, when you sign up for a FedEx account today.

Shipping to the U.S.? Navigate U.S. tariff changes with ease.

In today's dynamic trade environment, having expertise in clearance and compliance is crucial. We're here to assist your business every step of the way.


All you need to know about heavy freight

Discover more about FedEx freight shipping, one-stop-shop for all your shipping needs. Easily compare services, choose the best option, get quotes for your heavy shipment and access to comprehensive resources, all in a single place.

Your Business Resource

FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer

New to FedEx?

Our New Customer Center guides you through all the necessary steps when shipping with FedEx.

FedEx Small Business Center
FedEx Small Business Center
FedEx Small Business Center

Need tips to grow your business?

Dive into the latest trends, insights, and exclusive interviews with top business leaders in the newly launched FedEx Business Insights.

Are you prepared for Brexit?
Are you prepared for Brexit?
Are you prepared for Brexit?

View your carbon emissions to help you manage your carbon footprint

Log in with your fedex.com account today to better understand your shipping patterns and environmental impact.

Stay in Control with the FedEx® Mobile App
Stay in Control with the FedEx® Mobile App
Stay in Control with the FedEx® Mobile App

Get a last-minute discount for your heavy shipment!

Use our “Rates and Transit Times” tool to get a last-minute quotation for your shipment weighing over 21 kg.

a fedex driver handing over a package
a fedex driver handing over a package
a fedex driver handing over a package

Make delivery more rewarding

Keep earning FedEx Rewards points from your shipments and unlock a world of our expanded range of rewards. It has never been easier to be rewarded.

sgn flight
sgn flight
sgn flight

New Boeing 767 Flight to serve Vietnam market

Get your shipments delivered one day faster to Asia, Europe, Middle East, India Subcontinent, and Africa.