Electronic Export Information filing requirements

Helping you stay in the know
and how to meet your electronic
export information filing requirements.

Helping you stay in the know and how
to meet your electronic export information
filing requirements.

Helping you stay in the know
and how to meet your electronic
export information filing requirements.

Helping you stay in the know and how
to meet your electronic export information
filing requirements.

Helping you stay in the know
and how to meet your electronic
export information filing requirements.

Helping you stay in the know and how
to meet your electronic export information
filing requirements.

What is Electronic Export Information (EEI)?

EEI is the data that must be filed through the Automated Export System (AES) for goods shipped from the U.S. to a foreign country. The filing includes information about the sender and receiver of the goods, and about the goods being exported. The Census Bureau uses these filings to calculate U.S. trade statistics, and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) use the data to help ensure compliance with U.S. export regulations.

There are various nuances regarding EEI filings. So it is important that you understand how EEI filing requirements apply to your shipments—when you need to file and when your shipment is exempt from these requirements.

Does your shipment require an EEI filing?

You must file an EEI for shipments:

  • From the U.S., Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands to foreign destinations,
  • Between the U.S. and Puerto Rico, and
  • From the U.S. or Puerto Rico to the U.S. Virgin Islands.


IF your shipment includes items:

  • Under the same Schedule B or harmonized tariff number valued at more than US $2,500 and are sent from the same exporter to the same recipient on the same day (Note: Shipments to Canada from the U.S. may be exempt from this requirement. See list of exemptions below.),
  • That are rough diamonds classified under harmonized tariff schedule 7102.10, 7102.21 and 7102.31.
  • Requiring an U.S. government export license or permit,
  • Subject to the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or
  • Subject to commodity, end user or destination requirements listed in the U.S. Foreign Trade Regulations.

What shipments are exempt or excluded from EEI filing requirements?

You won’t need to file an EEI for shipments:

  • From the U.S. to Canada unless the merchandise:
    • Is subject to the Department of State’s International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR),
    • Requires an export license or permit, or 
    • Includes rough diamonds or is transiting Canada.
  • From the U.S. or Puerto Rico to other U.S. territories (American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Howland Islands, and Wake Island).
  • From the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S., U.S. territories, or Puerto Rico.

Please note, FedEx currently serves these U.S. territories: American Samoa (AS), Guam (GU), and Northern Mariana Islands (MP).

Additional exemptions for any shipment:

  • Eligible for License Exception GOV*.
  • Eligible for license exceptions* in the Export Administration Regulations and EEI filing exemptions in the Foreign Trade Regulations. 
  • Exported under license exception Baggage (BAG) under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which authorizes travelers to export, re-export, and transfer certain items, technology, and software for personal use abroad.

For information regarding FedEx shipping processes and filing services, please call customer support.

EEI Agent filing options

FedEx Export AgentFile® online application

Get a streamlined Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing and shipping label preparation process that meets regulatory compliance when you ship via FedEx Express.

The user-friendly tool guides you through all the important steps of filing, it stores all of your filings and creates a record you can easily access online anytime, within 45 days of its submission. To access the tool, go to FedEx® Global Trade Manager and click File an EEI before preparing your shipping label. Note that all EEI records must be retained for five years from the date of export, as required by law.

Authorize FedEx to file EEI on your behalf.

Complete the below form, sign and email to eeioperations@fedex.com or fax to 1.866.879.9037.

Note: EEI filing for international air cargo shipments (IATA 023) is not supported by the automated FedEx Export AgentFile solution. You must submit these requests via fax.

For more information or to get help completing the forms, call FedEx International Customer Service at 1.800.GoFedEx (1.800.463.3339) and say "international services."


EEI self-filing options

ACE AESDirect portal

Get training for the ACE AESDirect Portal and step-by-step instructional guides at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection site.

FedEx Agent File®

Get access to the FedEx Agent File tool via FedEx Ship Manager® at fedex.com

FedEx Export AgentFile®

You can authorize FedEx as your agent to file your Electronic Export Information (EEI) to the Automated Export System (AES) when processing FedEx Express® shipments on fedex.com. FedEx Export AgentFile provides exporters with a streamlined EEI filing and shipping label preparation process for regulatory compliance. The tool stores all of your filings, creating a record you can access online anytime within 45 days of its submission.* The user interface is easy to use and guides you through all of the important steps. To access this tool, go to FedEx® Global Trade Manager and click File an EEI before preparing your shipping label.

*Recordkeeping requirements may mandate that you retain such records for up to five years, as required by law.

Mandatory AES filing for all commodities that require an EEI

Here’s a brief overview of filing EEI to an AES. For more information, see the FAQs section.

  • See the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) chart for details on exemptions and exclusions.
  • Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED) information filed to AES is now known as Electronic Export Information (EEI). Exporters must self-file in ACE AESDirect Portal or authorize an agent to file for them through AES.
  • Filing deadlines for EEI transmission is no later than two hours for non-International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) shipments and no later than eight hours for ITAR shipments prior to exportation.
  • The U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) or their authorized agent is responsible for providing the proper AES proof of filing citation or FTR exemption legend on the international air waybill or entering it into the electronic shipping label device when the shipment is tendered to the carrier.
  • The Postdeparture Filing Program allows companies reporting their electronic export information (EEI) through the AES to transmit their EEI within 10 calendar days after the date of export. Postdeparture filers must be preapproved. Currently, the government is not accepting applications for postdeparture filing.
  • Civil penalties for late filed EEI or failure to file increased from $100 to $1,100 for each day delinquent; the maximum penalty increased from $1,000 to $10,000 for each violation.
  • Criminal penalties for filing false and/or misleading information is up to $10,000, or imprisonment for no more than five years, or both, for each violation.
  • These regulations will affect all exporters required to file an EEI.

*The FTR was formerly named Foreign Trade Statistics Regulations (FTSR).

Ensure EEI compliance with the mandatory AES filing rule

  • If you use FedEx® electronic shipping solutions, upgrade to the newest version of the software.
  • Ensure that you file your EEI predeparture and provide FedEx the appropriate AES proof of filing citation when an EEI is required. If an EEI is not required, provide the appropriate FTR exemption legend. 
  • You can also apply for an ACE Export Account. You’ll receive a user ID and password to access the portal.

For more information, contact the AES Call Center at 1.800.549.0595.

If you have questions about EEI and your FedEx shipments, call FedEx International Customer Service 1.800.GoFedEx (1.800.463.3339) and say "international services."

Frequently asked questions

FedEx Express truck in foreign city
FedEx Express truck in foreign city
FedEx Express truck in foreign city

Learn to export from the experts

Check out our International Shipping Guide for details.