FedEx step van

Driver & course preparation

Driver resources & tips

NTDC Drivers are scored in three categories: Written Exam, Pre-Trip Inspection and Course Driving.

Written Exam

All states require TDC competitors to take a multiple choice exam that tests their general knowledge about trucking and understanding of safe driving rules, first-aid and fire fighting. The exam includes a broad array of questions that are based on the information in the American Trucking Association's most recent version of the Facts for Drivers book.

Ask your safety professional, manager or any veteran TDC competitor for more guidance on what to expect and how to prepare for the written exam.

Tips from veteran TDC competitors:

1. Ask your family, friends and other drivers to quiz you on the facts for drivers material leading up to the competition.
2. Utilize flash cards by writing questions and answers from the Facts for Drivers book on opposite sides of 3 x 5 index cards.
3. Have your supervisor quiz you about information in the Facts for Drivers book prior to your shift.

Pre-Trip Inspection

The Pre-Trip Inspection is based on the procedure that most FedEx drivers conduct every day. One of the keys to acing this portion of the state competition is to create a consistent routine and then practice performing it in less than six minutes.

Tips from veteran competitors:

1. Get comfortable with performing the inspection fast.
2. Practice timed inspections on your breaks and with other competitors.

Course Descriptions & Diagrams