A retail shop owner works on his laptop as he unpacks inventory.

FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents

Enjoy a smooth customs clearance process.

Enjoy a smooth customs
clearance process.

Enjoy a smooth customs clearance process.

Enjoy a smooth customs
clearance process.

Enjoy a smooth customs clearance process.

Enjoy a smooth customs
clearance process.

Transmit your customs documentation electronically with FedEx Electronic Trade Documents. This simple, efficient and reliable solution helps you avoid delays at customs and ensures timely delivery of your international shipments.

Transmit your customs documentation electronically with FedEx Electronic Trade Documents. This simple, efficient and reliable solution helps you avoid delays at customs and ensures timely delivery of your international shipments.

Transmit your customs documentation electronically with FedEx Electronic Trade Documents. This simple, efficient and reliable solution helps you avoid delays at customs and ensures timely delivery of your international shipments.

A man works on a laptop in his home office.
A man works on a laptop in his home office.
A man works on a laptop in his home office.

Be efficient

Upload your own customs documents or use FedEx generated trade documents. You can also customize your electronic trade documents by uploading your company letterhead and signature image.

A man and a woman sit in an open office area, talking and working on their laptops.
A man and a woman sit in an open office area, talking and working on their laptops.
A man and a woman sit in an open office area, talking and working on their laptops.

Save time and money

Upload and submit trade documents electronically to eliminate the need for manual signing, folding, stuffing and attaching customs documents to each shipment. Plus, save on paper, energy and printing costs.

A FedEx courier picks up a package from a clothing store.
A FedEx courier picks up a package from a clothing store.
A FedEx courier picks up a package from a clothing store.

Enjoy peace of mind

Get a head start on customs clearance by submitting your trade documents ahead of your shipment. FedEx Electronic Trade Documents provides pre-clearance assistance and proactive problem resolution so you can reduce the chance of customs delays.

Say hello to streamlined international shipping

With FedEx Electronic Trade Documents, you can:
  • Transmit customs documents generated by FedEx, or upload your own customs documents as files or images created on your own systems in your preferred file format (e.g., PDF, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Excel, scanned image, etc.). Either way, documents are submitted electronically.
  • Submit customs documents without printing paper copies and placing them in the pouch attached to your shipment. This streamlines your document submission time and reduces the risk of lost, missing or damaged documentation.
  • Add a company letterhead and signature image to the FedEx generated Commercial Invoice or Pro Forma Invoice.
  • Gain additional time to resolve issues with customs documents, such as missing information, before shipment arrival.
  • Set preferences to simplify completion of the Customs screen.
  • Set defaults for the customs documents you upload.
  • Turn the solution on and off as needed.
  • Use FedEx Electronic Trade Documents to submit your Commercial Invoice electronically for FedEx International Ground® shipments to Canada.
  • Submit customs documents to FedEx for future-day shipments or any date from today’s date to 10 days in the future.
  • Produce end-of-day and ad hoc reports for FedEx Electronic Trade Documents shipments, including the FedEx Ground Batch Upload Failure Report, FedEx Express Batch Upload Failure Report, FedEx Express ETD Shipment Report and FedEx Ground ETD Shipment Report.


Options for uploading customs documents

Option 1: Pre-shipment

Customs documents may be uploaded prior to creating your label on FedEx Ship Manager® at fedex.com. Use the Documentation Preparation Center on FedEx® Global Trade Manager to create and save your customs documents for later use. Then, when creating your label on FedEx Ship Manager at fedex.com, you can select “Attach from Document Preparation Center” to upload the document you previously created.

Option 2: At shipment

Customs documents may be uploaded by your shipping solution at the same time your label is being created. This is the most commonly used method to upload your customs documents. You can either choose to take advantage of the Commercial Invoice generated by FedEx or use your own.

Option 3: Post-shipment

Customs documents may be uploaded by your shipping solution after the label has been created. Post-Shipment Document Upload (PSDU) is ideal for shippers who create their own Commercial Invoices and do not have customs documents ready before or while the label is created.

Option 4: Electronic With Originals (EWO)

The Electronic With Originals option allows you to upload your customs documents for countries that require paper copies for customs clearance. This means:

  • Companies that require paper copies or paper with original signature can now use FedEx Electronic Trade Documents.
  • Shipments containing dangerous goods and dry ice may be eligible for electronic trade document submission.

Enable FedEx Electronic Trade Documents

Find everything you need to create and upload your customs documents.

Set up post-shipment document

Set up post-shipment document upload

Upload customs documents after your label has
been created.

Upload customs documents after your label has been created.

FedEx Electronic Trade Documents demo

Watch the demo to learn more about the benefits and how you can get started.