Weekends count. That's why we deliver on Saturday and Sunday.

Weekends count. That's why we deliver on Saturday and Sunday.

Weekends count. That's why we deliver on Saturday and Sunday.

Our residential ground service, FedEx Home Delivery, delivers every day of the week—including to 98% of the U.S. population on Saturday and nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population on Sunday.

Weekend delivery: FedEx does it right

Saturday FedEx Ground delivery coverage map
Saturday FedEx Ground delivery coverage map
Saturday FedEx Ground delivery coverage map

Delivery to nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population on Sunday

Retailer ships package to customer for weekend delivery graphic
Retailer ships package to customer for weekend delivery graphic
Retailer ships package to customer for weekend delivery graphic

FedEx provides residential delivery every day of the week, including weekends. 

With FedEx Home Delivery, a package sent from:

  • Los Angeles on Thursday will arrive in Denver on Sunday
  • New York City on Thursday will arrive in Miami on Sunday
  • Dallas on Thursday will arrive in Indianapolis on Saturday

Retailer ships package to customer for weekend delivery graphic
Retailer ships package to customer for weekend delivery graphic
Retailer ships package to customer for weekend delivery graphic

Benefits of weekend delivery with FedEx Home Delivery

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What's in it for your customers?

  • Fast delivery, even on Saturday and Sunday
  • No additional fees for weekend delivery
  • Saturday and Sunday are standard delivery days to most of the U.S. population
  • Less waiting until Monday for a delivery when they order late in the week

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What's in it for your business?

  • Help increase customer loyalty and boost online sales
  • Get an advantage over your competitors who don't deliver to customers on the weekend
  • Avoid having packages fulfilled by a third party to ensure weekend delivery
  • Ship time-sensitive items without expediting

Even more to love about FedEx Home Delivery

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Save on shipping when you sign up for an account and use FedEx Home Delivery

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Customize shipment arrival times, including evenings or delivery by appointment 

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Let customers track and personalize deliveries with FedEx Delivery Manager®

Let customers track and personalize deliveries with
FedEx Delivery Manager®

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Get automated pickups to avoid making regular trips to drop off packages

Delivery to over 50% of the U.S. population on Sunday
(vs. UPS Ground 0%) 

More ground shipping options

If FedEx Home Delivery isn’t right for your situation, explore these other delivery options.


FedEx courier delivering package to retailer
FedEx courier delivering package to retailer
FedEx courier delivering package to retailer

Shipping to a business? Try FedEx Ground®.

An affordable service option for shipping to businesses, FedEx Ground delivers in 1–5 days in the contiguous U.S. 

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FedEx Ground reaches more locations in one and two days than UPS Ground. 

FedEx Ground reaches more locations in one and two days than UPS Ground. 

Canada Customs road sign
Canada Customs road sign
Canada Customs road sign

Need to ship to Canada? Choose FedEx International Ground®.

Delivering between all 50 states and Canada, FedEx International Ground reaches 100% of Canadian business and residential addresses. 

Smiling courier next to FedEx Ground truck
Smiling courier next to FedEx Ground truck
Smiling courier next to FedEx Ground truck

Flexible delivery dates? Consider FedEx Ground® Economy.

FedEx Ground Economy (formerly FedEx SmartPost®) is a cost-efficient delivery option for shipments that are lower value, lighter weight, and don’t require a specific delivery date. FedEx Ground Economy delivers within 2–7 days, every day of the week. Talk with your account rep for details about special pricing. If you don’t have an account rep and want to learn more about this contractual service, talk to an expert.

Answers to your weekend delivery questions

Does FedEx deliver on weekends, including Saturday and Sunday?

Yes, FedEx Home Delivery is an every-day delivery service, including Saturdays and Sundays with weekend delivery to most residential locations. Take a look at our FedEx Ground and Home Delivery service maps to check availability. 


Is there an additional fee for Saturday and Sunday delivery?

No, FedEx Home Delivery does not charge additional fees for Saturday and Sunday delivery. 


Is FedEx able to pick up packages on Saturday and Sunday?

For eligible shippers*, FedEx will pick up on Saturday and Sunday to deliver as early as Sunday and Monday. This can help you exceed customer expectations. It can also help you manage orders throughout the week. Weekend pickups can also help you:

  • Stay ahead of schedule by fulfilling some weekend orders a day early
  • Reduce costs associated with urgent package shipments and still deliver on time
  • Maximize inventory turnover and warehouse capacity for earlier, faster order fulfillment

What is the latest time of day a package can be delivered?

Packages are typically delivered by 8 p.m.


What if my customer isn’t home when the shipment is delivered?

Customers have the flexibility to schedule appointment times and evening deliveries at their convenience to ensure they will be available when their package arrives. Encourage your customers to enroll in FedEx Delivery Manager to track and personalize their delivery. 


Is FedEx Sunday delivery available only for FedEx Home Delivery or all FedEx Ground shipments?

FedEx Home Delivery provides day-definite residential delivery Monday through Sunday at no additional cost. FedEx Ground provides day-definite commercial delivery Monday through Friday. 

*Eligible shippers include large businesses with a weekend spotted trailer pickup that can arrive at a FedEx Ground hub by 5 p.m. Saturday and/or Sunday and must be enrolled through their FedEx account executive. Weekend pickups must be serviced by a FedEx Ground hub and have a spotted trailer to enroll.