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Reminders of providing complete and correct information for customs clearance for the shipments to the United States due to the recent regulatory changes in the United States.



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Sign up now and earn discounts by shipping instantly with FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com.

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FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer

New to FedEx?

Our New Customer Center guides you through all the necessary steps when shipping with FedEx.

 E-Commerce Solutions
 E-Commerce Solutions
 E-Commerce Solutions

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Dive into the latest trends, insights, and exclusive interviews with top business leaders in the newly launched FedEx Business Insights.

A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop
A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop
A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop

View your carbon emissions to help you manage your carbon footprint

Log in with your fedex.com account today to better understand your shipping patterns and environmental impact.

US Flags on a street
US Flags on a street
US Flags on a street

Connect from Asia to US

Unparalleled Connectivity from Asia to US: Get your shipments across the Pacific with our efficient & extensive FedEx network and services 

Make delivery more rewarding
Make delivery more rewarding
Make delivery more rewarding

Make delivery more rewarding

Keep earning FedEx Rewards points from your shipments and unlock a world of our expanded range of rewards. It has never been easier to be rewarded.

International shipping to Europe
International shipping to Europe
International shipping to Europe

Get a last-minute discount for your heavy shipment!

Use our “Rates and Transit Times” tool to get a last-minute quotation for your shipment weighing over 21 kg.