Welcome to FedEx

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Sign up now and save up to 70%* on your shipping rates!

Sign up now and earn discounts by shipping instantly with FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com.

Reminders of providing complete and correct information for customs clearance for the shipments to the United States due to the recent regulatory changes in the United States.


All you need to know about heavy freight

Discover more about FedEx freight shipping, one-stop-shop for all your shipping needs. Easily compare services, choose the best option, get quotes for your heavy shipment and access to comprehensive resources, all in a single place.

Your Business Resource

FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer

New to FedEx?

Our New Customer Center guides you through all the necessary steps when shipping with FedEx.

FedEx Small Business Center
FedEx Small Business Center
FedEx Small Business Center

Need tips to grow your business?

Dive into the latest trends, insights, and exclusive interviews with top business leaders in the newly launched FedEx Business Insights.

A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop
A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop
A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop

View your carbon emissions to help you manage your carbon footprint

Log in with your fedex.com account today to better understand your shipping patterns and environmental impact.

Stay in Control with the FedEx® Mobile App
Stay in Control with the FedEx® Mobile App
Stay in Control with the FedEx® Mobile App

New clearance tool to manage your import shipments

FedEx Import Tool allows you to monitor clearance status of shipments, get notifications to take clearance actions and download clearance documents.

Automation Tools
Automation Tools
Automation Tools

Have you tried our online shipping tools?

With FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com, preparing documents and scheduling a pickup have never been easier!

FedEx boxes on a table
FedEx boxes on a table
FedEx boxes on a table

What’s rolling at FedEx

Keep up-to-date with the latest programs, events, promotions and more at FedExÂ